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A Comparative Analysis of Demographic Transition in the Central and Eastern European Countries

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The demographic transition is a process which involves the movement from high birth and death rates to low values and from high population growth rates to a relatively stable dynamic of population. If in the countries of Western Europe this pattern can be seen easily,…

Viral Innovation: Integration via Sustainability & Enterprise Excellence

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
Enterprises face mounting challenges in three generic sustainability domains that form the basis of the so-called triple bottom line: economic sustainability, societal sustainability, and environmental sustainability. In most instances, it is the primacy of economic sustainability that is emphasized since an enterprise that is not…

Awareness: A Study of Knowledge Management Adoption amongst Iranian SMEs

Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management
Nowadays, companies that are unaware of knowledge management (KM) and its concepts are considered illiterate in business context. In order to thrive in this turbulent market, a company must be familiar with all concepts pertaining to its intellectual assets, i.e. KM, KM strategy, KM processes,…

Personality Traits: Business versus Technical Graduates

Communications of the IBIMA
Effective interactions depend largely on personality traits, which is a consistent and long-lasting tendency in behavior. In psychology, five major trait factors (Big Five personality traits) have been generally used to assess personality of people. The study highlights the practicality of importance-performance analysis as a…

Content is King: Malaysian Industry Experts’ Point of View on Local Content for Mobile Phones

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
Content is the most prominent aspect of the medium for communication. The trends of the content nowadays, especially in Malaysia, have shown the lack of local content in, for example, television, radio, films, the Internet and, in more recent years, mobile phones. In order to…

Estimating the Romanian Economic Sentiment Indicator Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The subject of the present paper represents the result of a research that uses artificial intelligence, through the artificial neural networks, in order to simulate the Romanian Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI-mentioned by The Economist and provided by the European Commission — Economic and Financial Affairs…

Virtual Collaboration: The Skills Needed to Collaborate in a Virtual Environment

Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities
With support from the scholarly literature, the author of this paper argues that to succeed in virtual collaborative teams (VCTs) individuals need to have relationship building skills, which include the ability to establish trust, familiarity, a positive environment/context, and embracing diversity, as well as communication…

Goldratt’s Theory Applied to the Problems Associated with the Mode of Transportation, Storage and Sale of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables in Nigeria

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
Current practices used in the cultivation, harvesting, handling, transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables in Nigeria have resulted in vast losses especially due to the seasonality and perishability of these produce, with the resulting situation being that there are times when there are excess produce,…

A Review of E-Financial Reporting Research

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Internet is a very exciting medium to look into especially with regards to presentation, disclosure and financial reporting. The Internet also has become one of users’ most frequently used sources of information. Consistent with the innovation of the Internet as a cheap but powerful communication…