Multi-Agents Conception of Logistic Network

Ines Ben Tekaya1, Mariem Gzara2 and Béchir Ayeb3


1,3Pole de Recherche en Informatique du Centre (PRINCE), Tunisia

2Multimedia InforRmation systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory (MIRACL), Tunisia


A logistic network is a favorable environment for companies to collaborate together in order to improve the quality of a service or a product and to surmount some problems. In this paper, we present a logistic network conception which is based on multi-agents systems and which takes into account security aspects. A logistic network is a favorable environment for companies to collaborate together in order to improve the quality of a service or a product and to surmount some problems. In this paper, we present a logistic network conception which is based on multi-agents systems and which takes into account security aspects. 

Keywords: logistic network, multi-agents system, conception, security.