Modeling and Simulation of a Robust e-Voting System

Mohammad Malkawi, Mohammed Khasawneh and Omar Al-Jarrah

Associate Professor, Argosy University, and VP, AIM Wireless USA


In this paper we present a simulation model for a multifaceted online e-Voting system. The proposed model is capable of handling electronic ballots with multiple scopes at the same time, e.g., presidential, municipal, and parliamentary, amongst others.  The model caters for integrity of an election process in terms of the functional and non-functional requirements.  The functional requirements embedded in the design of the proposed system warrant well-secured identification and authentication processes for the voter through the use of combined simple biometrics.  Of utmost importance are the requirements for correctness, robustness, coherence, consistency, and security. To verify the robustness and reliability of the proposed system, intensive computer simulations were run under varying voting environments, viz. voter density, voter inter-arrival times, introduced acts of malice, etc. Results of the simulations show the impact of several parameters on the performance of the system.  These results provide the proper grounds that would guide the decision maker in customizing an e-voting system. 

Keywords: e-voting, modeling and simulation, performance evaluation