Administrative Management and Work Performance in Hardware and Construction SMEs: The Case of Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L., Peru


1,2,3,4Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru

4 Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Peru

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Maria T. LA TORRE-TORRES, Zoila M. PANDO-MEDINA, Patricia M. ARAGON-ORTEGA and Franklin CORDOVA-BUIZA (2022)," Administrative Management and Work Performance in Hardware and Construction SMEs: The Case of Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L., Peru", IBIMA Business Review, Vol. 2022 (2022), Article ID 497769, DOI: 10.5171/2022.497769

Copyright © 2022. Maria T. LA TORRE-TORRES, Zoila M. PANDO-MEDINA, Patricia M. ARAGON-ORTEGA and Franklin CORDOVA-BUIZA. Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC-BY 4.0


The SMEs represent more than 95% of the companies in Latin America, generate 72% of employment and 50% of the GDP, but they still have serious deficiencies in achieving sustained development. In Peru, economic growth was growing up with the growth of the construction sector and with it the investment in hardware companies. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between administrative management and labor performance in a hardware micro-SME in a city in the northern highlands of Peru. The study is a non-experimental, cross, correlational design with a quantitative approach. The 30 employees of the company were surveyed with a 60 items questionnaire with alternatives on a Likert scale. The average age of the collaborators is 36 years old, the 57% have a higher university degree, being the administrative and the sales’ areas with the highest number of collaborators, representing 23% each. Within the dimensions of administrative management, the employees consider planning as the most important item, representing 73%, and within the dimensions of work performance, they consider responsibility as the most important, representing 96%. In conclusion, there is a positive relationship between administrative management and work performance in the hardware company studied, also administrative management is in the middle, there are still fails in its administrative process to meet its objectives, and a little relationship between the company and the employee.

Keywords: Business management, working environment, planning, Latin America.


In this era of globalization, the growing market demand has set increasingly higher standards for companies, who are in a constant search for excellence, inside and outside their processes, in order to stay within the labor market, through optimal administrative management, this means designing a pleasant and organized environment for the groups of individuals who work in the company, in order to improve the efficiency of the staff and therefore increase their productivity (Verdesoto et al. 2018; Mendivel et al. 2020). For Calva (2007), cited in Carro et al. (2017), the new trends in the world and in the labor markets of the 21st century require the implementation of another component as part of the new business and innovation models: sustainable development. Currently, it’s like an ideal process to achieve economic development that “preserves and enriches instead of destroying the natural bases on which human activity inevitably settles”.

In Peru, most companies are made up of families, where the administrator manages the capital and most of the activities; they are the well-known SMEs, which represent 95% of the companies in the country and generate 75% of the jobs, but they have difficulties in their administration (Torres, 2010). In Peru, in the hardware sector, there is no good handling of the administrative management (planning, organization, direction and control), which is essential for the development of a business plan and key to obtaining favorable results for the organization. (Llican, 2019). The great deficit that exists among the companies is the handling of internal control due to the management of administrative processes, errors within its control system, which can be improved by the administration that seeks to ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of the activities of the company. (Botero, 2017).

The Cajamarca city is located in the northern highlands of Peru; there are around 31,500 SMEs (micro and small companies), 56% are concentrated in the capital. 95% of this group are microenterprises, and the remaining 5% are classified as small. SMEs are business units that provide space for development to thousands of workers who contribute to the development of the economy. Also, as the SMEs grow and develop, new ones appear, this boosts the economy (Government Regional Cajamarca-Direction of Communication and Public Relations, 2019). This research seeks to answer the following research question: What is the relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. of the city of Cajamarca in the year 2021?

There are some theories about administrative management and job performance. Administrative management focuses on the management activities of a company (Ferrer, 2016). It is a process which includes 4 fundamental functions: (1) planning; the first administrative function, which consists of setting goals, objectives, resources and activities to be developed in periods, (2) organization; means distributing the financial and human resources, to meet the proposed objectives, (3) direction; it is oriented towards the outlined objectives, and (4) control; oriented to verify that the designated tasks are executed according to the planned strategies, in order to evaluate the results (Gonzales et al., 2020). For Riffo (2019), every organization has human capital, from which the planning, organization, execution and control start, through which the fulfillment of all the goals that the company has will be carried out. That’s why administrative management is a concept that is related to work performance and employee productivity; if the worker feels motivated, valued, and in good working conditions, the contribution that the collaborator gives through his work will favor institutional effectiveness (Moreno, 2018). Ramos et al. (2019) emphasize job performance as part of the human resources management of a company, therefore, Sedano (2017) argues that performance evaluation must always be aimed at benefiting the staff so that they contribute with the achievement of objectives. For this reason, it is very important that organizations prioritize keeping human resources motivated, because they are the most important resource and their contribution provides development and productivity to any organization (Bohórquez et al., 2020).

Job performance is the measurement of the work achievements that a person reaches after certain activities, depending on the effort and time invested (Pedraza et al., 2010). Performance can be measured through 4 dimensions: (1) Decision-making is a process where the most appropriate alternative is selected based on a given context; (2) Responsibility is the making of the different activities according to a plan of actions or tasks to do, (3) organizational engagement, sense of identification with their work and (4) participation, individual and group contribution by the collaborators in the different activities of the company, according to the institutional objectives (Torres and Zegarra, 2015). Various antecedents study the administrative management variables and job performance. Panduro et al. (2019) say that job performance is significantly related to administrative management, corroborated by 81.25%, a result that is confirmed by the general hypothesis test, having applied the Chi-square statistical test, with a result of (P = 0 .00 < 0.01), which is highly significant, which implies accepting the research hypothesis, with a significance level of 1%. The author confirms that the level of work performance in the employees is in values of very good and excellent, which affects the productivity and prestige of the institution.

Also the authors Asmat et al. (2018), in their research made in Peru, seek to determine the incidence of human talent management in the improvement of public management and work performance of workers of the Central Administration of the Ministry of Health of Peru; they affirm, before an R2 coefficient of Nagelkerke of 44.4% and 28.4%, the management of adequate human talent affects the improvement of public management and work performance, as well as specifying that at these days and the growing demand that exists among organizations , the management of human talent, is an essential tool to improve the administrative areas, being aware that the performance of human talent has a direct relationship with the efficiency and proper functioning within the organization.

Further, Álvarez et al. (2018) say that the evaluation of performance is favorable since it allows personal and professional development, by seeking to improve the quality of work life of the collaborator, through the recognition of their strengths, which will serve to improve organizational development and will raise your level of competition. Likewise, Pedraza et al. (2010) indicate that job performance continues to be an elemental part of the functioning of any organization; therefore, personnel must have the necessary resources for their correct performance and periodic evaluations must be carried out.

Problems exposed, the general objective was proposed, which seeks to determine the relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. of the city of Cajamarca, 2021, as well as to verify the general hypothesis, which affirms that there is a significant relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. of the city of Cajamarca, 2021.

Finally, the practical justification of the study seeks to establish a relationship between administrative management and job performance in the Justiniano Soto Villanueva company in the city of Cajamarca. We seek to identify the problems that exist in administrative management and provide suggestions to improve the defects found. We want to benefit the employees’ staff and optimize the management of the system. Also, the academic justification wants to update information with more recent research for future researchers and replicas of the study.


The study is non-experimental design – cross-sectional, correlational; with the objective of finding the relationship between two variables: Administrative management as an independent variable and work performance as a dependent variable, the study will take place at a certain time, the variables will not be directly manipulated or modified during the course of the investigation (Hernández et al, 2014).

The target population is made up of the 30 employees who work at the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. of the city of Cajamarca in the year 2021. The entire population was surveyed so it’s not necessary to apply sampling techniques (Otzen and Manterola, 2017). The company under study is a family company created in 1994, a distributor of the best brands of pipes (Pavco, Nicoll, Gerfor), tanks and biodigesters (Rotoplas), locks (Forte, Cantol and Travex), electric tools (Bosch, Total, Skill , Cat, Doncheng, Karcher), paints (Qroma, Anypsa), electrical items (Philips, Fsl, Cubull) mechanical tools (Stanley, Uyustools, total, Bosch), toilets (Clover), taps (Vainsa, Italgrif), household appliances (Record and Tramontina), Thermas (Solé and Rotoplas). It has 3 strategically located stores and a specialized store for paints and shades. Its main competitors in the field are Olano and Medina Ferreterias distributions.

The technique selected for the research is the survey, the instrument was a questionnaire divided into two parts, one for each variable studied. The instrument applied is an adaptation developed by Sedano (2017), in his research seeks to find the relationship between administrative management and labor performance in the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection of Peru. This instrument contains 30 items for each variable, the same that were designed by the author according to the dimensions and indicators. Regarding the validation for the administrative management variable, a total reliability of Cronbach’s alpha (α= 0.895) was reported, it was based on the administrative theory and its four functions: planning (1-6 items), organization (7-14 items), direction (15-23 items) and control (24-30 items), this for the administrative management variable.

For the work performance variable, a total reliability of Cronbach’s alpha (α= 0.875) was obtained, based on the substantive theory of work performance, described by Torres and Zegarra (2015), in its 4 dimensions and 12 indicators: Decision making (Items 1-8), Responsibility (Items 9-18), Organizational Commitment (Items 19-24), Participation (Items 25-30). Both variables measured through a Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Never), 2 (almost never), 3 (sometimes), 4 (almost always), to 5 (Always). Also, for data collection, the questionnaire was applied online through the Google Forms digital tool; in this way, the link will be shared with the collaborators, safeguarding their physical integrity in these times of social distancing. In this way, not only their physical integrity is protected, but also some ethical guarantees for the participants subject to the study will be taken into account. When sharing the questionnaire online, it can be configured in such a way that they will not be asked for any e-mail to access or register with names; in this way, they will keep their identity anonymous.

For the data analysis, we worked with Excel, created a database with the information obtained from the questionnaire, the same with which we worked in the SPSS statistical program to find the Pearson Correlation coefficient, which is calculated from the score obtained in a sample of two variables (Hernández et al., 2014), which fluctuates from -1.00 to + 1.00, where the sign indicates the direction of the correlation (positive or negative). Regarding the ethical aspects, it was taken into account that the information of the company is real, also, the proper permissions were requested to work with its brand, before the beginning of the investigation, this being exclusively for academic use, maintaining strict confidentiality, and finally the presentation of real data product of the investigation, without modifying or changing the position of the employees.


Descriptive data analysis

Demographics data

497769Figure 1. Employeess’ age

There are 30 employees surveyed in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. who are between 19 years old who are still students, up to 62-year-old workers who are in the administrative area or management. The age range of the collaborators (43 years) was obtained according to descriptive statistics, with an average of 36 years old as average age.


Figure 2. Percentage distribution of the educational level of the collaborators

There are 30 employees of the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. 57% have higher university studies, followed by 20% who only have completed high school studies, 13% who are still studying and 10% who have higher technical studies. 497769

Figure 3. Percentage distribution of the work areas of the collaborators

There are 30 collaborators surveyed, 23% belong to the administrative area, as well as another 23% that represent all the sales’ consultants, followed by 14% from the accounting area and another 14% from the warehouse, 7% from the reception and logistics, respectively to end with 3% in the marketing area, the legal area, office and management.

Dimensions of the variables analysis


Figure 4. Dimensions of the Independent variable: Administrative management

The administrative management variable, 4 dimensions emerge from that, the planning dimension obtained 73.33% with the response in agreement, the organization obtained 60% with the response neither agree nor disagree, the management dimension obtained 66.67% with the response in agreement and the control dimension obtained 70% with the response in agreement.



Figure 5. Dimensions of the dependent variable: Job performance

From the work performance variable, 4 dimensions are derived, the decision making dimension obtained 46.67% with the response in agreement and also in total agreement, the responsibility dimension obtained 96.67% with the response in total agreement, the organizational commitment dimension obtained 60% with the response in agreement and the participation dimension obtained 63.33% with the response in agreement.

Correlational Analysis

General hypothesis: There is a strong positive relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

Table 1: Relationship between administrative management and job performance


According to the Pearson coefficient test, an r = 0.721 is evidenced, confirms the existence of a medium positive correlation, according to the interpretation of Hernández et al. (2014) in his book “Research Methodology”

 Table 2: Chi square test, for the validation of the general hypothesis



General hypothesis validation:

 There is no strong positive relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

If p < 0,05 is rejected H0:  and if p > 0,05 is accepted H0

According to the data obtained in the chi-square test, there is a significance equal to 0.143, which is greater than 0.05, so, the general null hypothesis is accepted.

Specific hypotheses:

Specific hypothesis 1: There is a strong positive relationship between planning and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

Table 3: Relationship between planning and job performance

497769According to the Pearson coefficient test, an r = 0.675 is evidenced, which confirms the existence of a medium positive correlation, according to the interpretation of Hernández et al. (2014) in his book “Research Methodology”.

 Table 4: Chi square test, validation of the first specific hypothesis

Specific hypothesis validation 1:


There is no strong positive relationship between planning and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

If p < 0,05 is rejected H01:  and if p > 0,05 is accepted

According to the data obtained in the chi-square test, there is a significance equal to 0.169, which is greater than 0.05, therefore, the specific null hypothesis 1 is accepted.

Specific hypothesis 2: There is a strong positive relationship between organization and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

Table 5: Relationship between organization and job performance


According to the Pearson coefficient test, we confirm an r = 0.883, which confirms the existence of a considerable positive correlation, according to the interpretation of Hernández et al. (2014) in his book “Research Methodology”.

Table 6: Chi square test, validation of the second specific hypothesis


Specific hypothesis 2 validation:

 There is no strong positive relationship between organization and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

If p < 0,005 is rejected H02: and if p > 0,05 is accepted

According to the data obtained in the chi-square test, there is a significance equal to 0.060, which is greater than 0.05, therefore, the specific null hypothesis 2 is accepted.

Specific hypothesis 3: There is a strong positive relationship between management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

Table 7: Relationship between management and job performance


According to the Pearson coefficient test, an r = 0.852 is evidenced, which confirms the existence of a considerable positive correlation, according to the interpretation of Hernández et al. (2014) in his book “Research Methodology”.

Table 8: Chi square test, third specific hypothesis validation


Specific hypothesis 3 validation:

 There is no strong positive relationship between management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

If p < 0,005 is rejected H03: and if p > 0,05 is accepted H03

According to the data obtained in the chi-square test, there is a significance equal to 0.040, which is greater than 0.05, therefore, the specific hypothesis 3 is accepted.

Specific hypothesis 4: There is a strong positive relationship between control and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

Table 9: Relationship between control and job performance


According to the Pearson coefficient test, we confirm an r = 0.807, which confirms the existence of a considerable positive correlation, according to the interpretation of Hernández et al. (2014) in his book “Research Methodology”.

Table 10: Chi square test, fourth specific hypothesis validation


Specific hypothesis 4 validation:

 There is no strong positive relationship between control and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L.

If p < 0,005 is rejected H04: and if p > 0,05 is accepted H04

According to the data obtained in the Chi-square test (Table 13), there is a significance equal to 0.007, which is greater than 0.05, therefore, the specific null hypothesis 4 is accepted.


In the descriptive results, we can observe that the collaborators have an average of 36 years, also 57% have a higher university degree, being the administrative area and sales’ advisor with the largest number of collaborators representing 23% each. Within the dimensions of administrative management, the collaborators consider planning as the most important item, representing 73%, and within the dimensions of work performance, they consider that responsibility is the most important, representing 96.67%.

The results of the correlation between administrative management and labor performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. show a Pearson coefficient of 0.721. This affirms the existence of an average positive correlation; as is known, administrative management is focused on the organization of various activities to improve performance and productivity labor (Ferrer, 2016), this being a concept related to job performance. A motivated, valued collaborator with good working conditions will carry out a job that will favor institutional effectiveness (Romero and Urdaneta, 2010). However, Moreno (2018) and Sánchez et al. (2014) disagree with the results; they conclude that even though there is a very high positive relationship, management in public institutions is critical. These positions are mostly held by people close to the government and many of them do not meet the profile, causing problems and staff discomfort, which affects their performance and productivity.

The correlation between the dimensions of administrative management and work performance yielded the following results: the relationship between planning and work performance shows that there is a positive average relationship evidenced by a Pearson coefficient of 0.675, which shows that planning is a determining factor in the performance of employees, confirming that the presence of planned work allows a high probability of success in the performance of tasks.       

This result coincides with Palmar et al. (2014) and Ganga et al. (2009) who concluded that organizations are increasingly attentive to the needs of customers. These situations may arise later and are considered in advance, being the primary planning for resource management and error detection. However, Guartan et al. (2019) and Gonzales et al. (2020) conclude that the planning of goals and objectives is attached to training and incentives for employees, however, employees are often overloaded with long working hours due to overriding the goals of the company in their research. They conclude that the administrative processes lack technical precision, hence, they limit the administrative management, therefore, the goals of the company are not realized.

The correlation results between organization and job performance show that there is a considerable positive relationship that is evidenced by a Pearson coefficient equal to 0.883, which shows that the level of organization of activities within a company plays a key role in job performance search for a system that allows employees to achieve their operational objectives and the company its financial objectives. These results coincide with Pedraza et al. (2010) and Castro et al. (2020) who conclude that, within an organization, human talent is an indispensable part of administrative management, an improvement in the organization in the environment, reduction in staff turnover, fair remuneration, adequate hours; it will allow the optimization of human resources by increasing the productivity of this resource. However, Galarza et al. (2020); Salas et al. (2012) and Manjarrez et al. (2020) disagree with the results, since for them the administrative management proposes to increase improvement actions in the organization of human resources. They conclude that when evaluating the work performance of the collaborators, it is necessary to integrate all the functions they perform, bearing in mind that in no evaluation is it possible to evaluate everything.

The correlation results between management and job performance show that there is a considerable positive relationship, evidenced by a Pearson coefficient equal to 0.852, which means that most of the collaborators feel a work commitment with the company. Management is a main element in the level of performance of employees. These results coincide with those by Velásquez (2017), Torres and Zegarra (2015) and Acosta et al. (2018), since they conclude that control or supervision is directly related to performance, it’s appreciation within work activities, it’s a form of support or orientation of the daily task, when holding meetings to maintain organization and planning, to save time when performing work tasks. However, Ordoñez et al. (2021), Saavedra and Delgado (2020), disagree with the results since they conclude that within administrative management there are bad decisions by those who run the administration, who most of the time do so under personal judgments at the time of making decisions.

The correlation results between control and job performance show that there is a considerable positive relationship evidenced by a Pearson coefficient equal to 0.807, which states that the more control there is in the functions performed by employees, the easier it will be to measure the performance of the collaborators. These results coincide with Reyes et al. (2018), Bautista and Delgado (2020), who conclude that inadequate administrative control weakens and affects the entire organizational context, therefore, performance evaluation will be deficient. As well as a better development and execution of the processes within the administrative management through the effort made by the collaborators, it will fill the purpose of the objectives. However, for Calcina (2013), Mendoza (2017), Solís and Hidalgo (2019), they disagree with the results, since they conclude that the control management in the administrative management in the majority of formal SMEs reaches its results quickly and empirically and not under a traditional administrative model. Also, they speak of work performance as the execution of tasks, referring to an evaluation and control process, related to the obligations of the position, but it does not mean that the company’s objectives are met.

In this section, it should be noted that there were some limitations during the development of the research, one of them was the application of the instrument. Given the global pandemic caused by Covid-19, the questionnaires were carried out virtually. Being an extensive questionnaire, the collaborators had some problems when answering the questionnaire, which was solved by reading and interpreting the most difficult questions, which could induce them to change their initial response, as well as the lack of previous research studies on the theme, at the national and local levels. The academic implications in the present study are focused on answering and verifying if there is a relationship between administrative management and job performance in the Justiniano Soto Villanueva company in the city of Cajamarca, which intends to serve as a referential framework, showing empirical information and true results useful for future research and undertakings. Many Peruvian companies tend to be informal, this being an impediment to evaluating whether management strategies and tools are implemented that allow them to improve their weaknesses and turn them into strengths, as well as their threats into opportunities, so, it is difficult to define if they are managing. According to an economic, social and environmental plan, a recommendation for Peruvian companies is to formalize; from this, it will be possible to work in a more organized way, with an administrative management with the purpose of long-term growth. For the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva, it is recommended to continue working on the four pillars of the administration, since it is still at a midpoint, in relation to the objectives of the company, more rapport with its collaborators, and a better work environment, since they are the resource by which the company will achieve its durability in the labor market.


From the results of the investigation, it is concluded that the collaborators have an average of 36 years, likewise, 57% have a higher university degree, being the administrative area and sales’ advisor with the largest number of collaborators representing 23% each. Within the dimensions of administrative management, it is observed that the collaborators consider planning as the most important item, representing 73%, and within the dimensions of work performance, they consider that responsibility is the most important, thus representing 96.67%. With a Pearson coefficient equal to 0.721, and a p-value of 0.143, the existence of an average positive relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva S.R.L. Even so, the general hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted: There is no strong positive relationship between administrative management and job performance in the company.

Within the specific objectives, it is concluded that planning within the company is key to meeting the objectives. In addition, the organization of the activities allows the collaborator to achieve its operational objectives and the company its financial objectives, as well as most of the collaborators feel a labor commitment with the company; in the same way, the more control, the easier it is to measure the performance of the collaborators. As a general conclusion, the administrative management carried out by the company Justiniano Soto Villanueva is in the middle; there are still defects in its administrative process to meet its objectives, and a little rapport between company and collaborator.



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