Talking about the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of families today requires a special treatment of these two terms due to the different interrelationships that occur in the development of one over the other. First, it is necessary to understand that tourism is something more than an assessment of flows of people who move from one place to another for leisure and recreation, but that it is constituted as an “environmental, socio-cultural and economic activity, whose factors and dynamic elements are basic to growth, development and stability” (Figuerola, Fernández, Gómez, & Martín, 2015, p. 8). 8); and secondly, tourism should be an activity where families generate an appropriate adaptability so that “environmental, socio-cultural and economic needs can be satisfied, while maintaining the indicated systems” (Pérez, 2004, p. 23).
The term tourism has evolved throughout history from the concept of Hunziker and Krapf (1942) mentioned by the UNWTO (2018, p.45 ) as: “the sum of phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stays of non-residents, which are not linked to a permanent residence or to a remunerated activity”, until reaching the current concepts such as those indicated by the UNWTO (1991) and (2001) which indicate tourism as: “Those activities that people carry out while travelling in environments where they are not usually found, whose purposes are leisure, business or other and which last for periods of less than one year”.
Therefore, we mention that tourism is the activity of people who travel to different places outside their usual environment for pleasure, leisure, business or other reasons, and generally involves temporary stay in those places, is presented today as one of the main activities worldwide generating resources and employment, so it involves the physical displacement of people from their usual place of residence to tourist destinations. Sustainability of tourism refers to the ability of the tourism industry to meet the current needs of tourists and host communities, while preserving and enhancing natural, cultural and socio-economic resources for future generations. It is based on the balance between economic, social and environmental aspects of tourism. Among the main principles and key approaches to sustainability in tourism is environmental conservation; this involves the protection of biodiversity, the proper management of natural resources, the reduction of pollution and the promotion of low environmental impact of tourism practices.
Peru has a mega diversity of natural and cultural attractions due to its privileged geographical position in South America, located close to the equator; the presence of the Andes Mountain range, the settlement of diverse cultures for more than 20,000 years, the domination of different ecological levels, with the existence of material and immaterial remains of great cultural value, creating a rich and varied biodiversity, and making Peru one of the main tourist attractions. For this reason, Peru has maintained a continuous change in the arrival of international tourists, in the year 2017 is 8,854, registering a decrease compared to 2016 which was 9,054, which left an annual average of 0.8% becoming, this in a year with a decrease in foreign tourists. When analysing the figures of national tourism reaching 266,910 tourists in 2016 and this figure for the year 2017 reached 250,8824, having a decrease of 0.97%. (MINCETUR, 2018).
In the province of Cajamarca, tourism activity has become an important part of the lives of families directly or indirectly related to this activity, but limited by its service infrastructure, because the opportunities for the development of tourism activity were missed by local authorities, due to a lack of vision about the importance of the sector. Despite the increase in the tourism sector, Cajamarca ranks eleventh in the number of domestic tourists (only 2.3% of the total number of domestic tourism arrivals in the country). Among the northern regions of the country, it is surpassed by La Libertad, Piura, Lambayeque and San Martín. Cajamarca has a share of international tourist arrivals of 0.62%, which places it in the thirteenth place nationally, with Lima and the destinations of the Southern Circuit receiving the majority of tourists residing abroad. Among the Regions of the Northern Tourist Circuit, Cajamarca has a lower uptake than La Libertad and Lambayeque; it only surpasses Amazonas (Dibos, July 2006).
In our area of study, the district of Baños del Inca, it is necessary to orient tourism towards environmental, social and cultural sustainability in relation to its impact on industry, services, transport, employment, etc., through the adaptability of families using Olson’s systemic family circumplex model, in the processes of environmental preservation, social development dynamics, as well as in socio-cultural interaction and representation, thus enabling sustainability for the benefit of the local inhabitants.
Regarding retrospective studies for the present research, Aman’s et al. (2019) scientific article “Identification and Documentation of Potential Tourism Resources: It’s Management Practice in Focus in Jimma Town and its Vicinity, Southwestern Ethiopia” was taken into consideration. They mention that the sustainable development of tourism in a given nation or region identifies the availability and protection of natural resources. The main objective was to
identify and document potential tourism resources and their management practices in sustainable development for tourism in the town. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this research. Data collection was carried out under the interviews and conducting measurement of heritage site dimensions and tourism site coordinates. In conclusion, the study showed that there are all kinds of tourism resources in the area; in the aspect of conservation, the potential natural resources of the area were not under the legal protection as “Protected Areas”; the legal lack caused big problems in the protection and preservation of the potential natural tourism.
So, we also have Font’s et al. (2019) scientific article “Research Engagement, Impact and Sustainable Tourism”. In this research, the aim is how the journal of sustainable tourism can contribute to researchers by achieving a greater impact. Changes were proposed so that they can gradually be tested together with the collaboration of the editorial community and authors. The article used a mixed method, longitudinal and evaluative approach. Promoting impactful communication and dissemination, building a community in social networks for researchers focused on sustainable tourism, increasing their visibility and providing free articles considering positively empowering society.
Similarly, in the scientific article by Ruhanen et al. (2019), “New Directions in Sustainable Tourism Research”, the main objective was to provide a study update before examining how sustainable tourism has progressed for five years in a row since their 25-year bibliometric analysis. The research was quantitative analysis, using the analysis technique. This study is to extend the research that constantly questions the effectiveness of sustainable tourism and its practices. It was concluded that sustainable tourism continues to grow, evidencing that the field is beginning to mature broadly and focus on important, far-reaching, and impactful issues.
Meanwhile, Téllez, (2017), in his Doctoral Thesis “Sustainable Tourism in Island Spaces: The Case of Ibiza (Spain)”, his main objective was to study the development of the island and measure the tourism impacts on the social, environmental and economic environment. Analysing the problematic reality of the increase in tourist overpopulation during the summer season, through water consumption and the use of electricity from non-renewable sources. The quantitative and qualitative method was applied through instruments analysed by tourism sustainability indicators and interviews. In conclusion, the aim was to plan a more efficient tourism on the island, applying normative measures in order to reduce the negative impact of tourism and to promote the responsibility to change the massive and standardised sun and beach model of the sector.
Similarly, in the scientific article entitled “Sustainable Tourism and the Consequent Satisfaction of Residents in Jammu and Kashmir, India”, by Hussain et al. (2015), the objective was to examine the four dimensions of sustainability (socio-cultural, environmental, institutional and economic) in the satisfaction of residents with sustainable tourism development. The research was quantitative in method, conducted through surveys with Likert scale measurement, conducted under the dimensions of tourism sustainability. Finally, the empirical evidence supports the positive and significant effect of the aforementioned dimensions. The results indicated that the dimensions should be part of a holistic approach to tourism development planning and monitoring.
Meanwhile, Sigüenza (2015) at the University of Cuenca presented the thesis entitled “Family Functioning according to Olson’s Circumplex Model”, whose purpose was to determine family functioning according to Olson’s circumplex model through the components of cohesion and adaptability that exist in the family”; through this qualitative and cross-sectional research the objective characteristics of family functioning were described. The study population consisted of 153 parents and 24 children. The family cohesion and adaptability scale (faces III) was used as an instrument for parents. The results showed that 52.3% of the families had high adaptability, which represents a chaotic family, and an average cohesion of 40.5%, which is considered a united family. In families with high adaptability, it is the parents who exercise power relations, imposing and establishing family rules, and medium cohesion, as the emotional ties between its members are reflected in the parents’ constant concern for their children’s conflicts, sharing their free time with each other. The common family type among those evaluated is “chaotic-united” with 26%.
In terms of national antecedents, we have Valderrama’s (2018) thesis entitled “Sustainable Tourism in the Province of Bolognesi, Ancash; 2017-2018”, whose objective was to determine the perception of the workers of the municipality regarding tourism in the province. The research employed descriptive method, quantitative approach, with non-experimental design, collection instrument using the questionnaire along with an observation guide. In conclusion, it was determined that the perception of sustainable tourism in the workers of the municipality is of efficient tendency, being 11 necessary that the local government authorities request more political participation in tourism deepening sustainable development by implementing a service of attention to tourism.
Likewise, Carretero (2018), in his thesis “Family Functioning in University Students of the Professional School of Nursing, Chimbote, 2017”, conducted a research study that was observational, prospective, cross-sectional and descriptive. The level of research was descriptive and the research design was epidemiological which was constituted by N = 623, selecting a sample of n = 238. The sampling was non-probabilistic of quota type, since the university students who were found at the time were evaluated until the sample size was completed. The instrument used was the Family Cohesion and Adaptability Evaluation Scale (FACES III). The result of the study was that family functioning in university students of the Professional School of Nursing, Chimbote, 2017 is structurally connected. The majority of the population studied presented structured adaptability.
Similarly, Aparicio (2017), in his research entitled “Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Tourism in the District of Miraflores in 2017”, his main general objective was to describe how the sustainability of tourism is developed from the perspective of local residents. This research had been conducted from a quantitative approach; its methodology was descriptive, non-experimental design with cross-sectional; in the study, the variable was not manipulated and was observed from its natural environment, probabilistic sampling; the sample consisted of 196 residents of the district. The results indicated that the perception of the citizens of the district shows 56 % of sustainable development at an optimal level, which certifies that it is one of the districts that develop tourism sustainability in an adequate way. In conclusion, the purpose of the research was to find out how sustainable development in the district was in relation to tourism. Therefore, it could be affirmed that tourism sustainability is adequately developed.
Meanwhile, Flores (2016), in his thesis “Sustainable Tourism and Poverty in the City of Huancavelica, Peru 2016”, his objective was to describe how sustainable tourism contributed to overcoming poverty in the city of Huancavelica. The research is quantitative, applied, descriptive-correlative, and the design used was non-experimental, cross-sectional. The survey technique was used, whose instrument was a questionnaire, applied to civil servants and administrative staff involved in the management of tourism activity in the city. In conclusion, the results obtained through the distribution of frequencies and percentages showed that 95% of the population showed that sustainable tourism overcomes poverty in the city.
Likewise, Ruiz (2015) conducted a research study entitled “Family Functionality and Coping in University Students” at the Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Huancayo, Peru. The study was a transactional, correlational-causal, non-experimental design. The participants were 234 students of the professional career of Psychology (174 women, 60 men), selected probabilistically, to whom two instruments were applied: Family Cohesion and Adaptability Scale (FACESIII) and the Coping Responses Inventory (CRI-Y), assessments that allowed us to record the levels of family functioning and coping strategies of university students. The results indicate that 18.8% present the balanced level, followed by 60.7% located in the medium level and finally 20.5% belonging to the extreme level. Regarding the family cohesion of the participants, 38% are located in the unattached type, 35.9% are located in the separated type, 21.4% are located in the connected type and finally 4.7% are located in the amalgamated type; in terms of family adaptability, 52.1% are located in the chaotic type, 25.2% are located in the flexible type, 15% are located in the structured type and 7.7% are located in the rigid type.
At the regional level, Riviera, (2018), in his research entitled “Promotion of the Province of Cutervo as an Alternative for Sustainable Tourism in the Peruvian North” was taken into consideration, who presented as an objective to carry out and make available the different attractions that Cutervo has, whether natural, cultural and traditional, in order to establish different options in sustainable tourism in the north of Peru and through this to have alternative income which improves the quality of life of each of its inhabitants. The research design is non-experimental, descriptive and explanatory. The research concludes with the lack of willingness of the relevant authorities to improve tourist attractions and the neglect to carry out a sustainable tourism development plan in destinations with great potential in order to improve and increase the quality of life of the inhabitants.
This is descriptive research which, according to Hernández (2010), is one that includes the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the current nature. In this study, the composition of each of the variables was analysed in order to describe them in relation to their dimensions and indicators.
A qualitative-quantitative approach was also employed which, according to Grinnell (1997), is referred to as interpretative and numerically analysed research also including a variety of conceptions, visions, techniques and quantitative studies.
A non-experimental design was also used; according to Kerlinger (1981), in non-experimental research it is impossible to manipulate variables, while this research only focused on the process of interpreting the sustainability of the tourism system and to what extent families tend to generate adaptability to it.
This research is also cross-sectional because it is based on data from a single moment, at a single time. Furthermore, its purpose is to describe variables and analyse their incidence (Hernández, 2016, p 125).
For this purpose, a population of 15,000 families from the urban area of the district, who currently develop activities related to tourism in the district of Baños Del Inca, was used. After applying the formula for finite populations, a sample of 200 families was obtained. Our unit of analysis was the same as the unit of observation, which is constituted by each one of the families of the urban zone of the district of Baños Del Inca that develop activities related to the tourism, its representative being the head of the family since they are the one who are in charge of offering the requested information.
As for the data collection techniques, the survey was used and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The documentary analysis guide was also used as an instrument where the bibliographical consultations of investigations, reports, bulletins, and studies were registered and codified, in order to elaborate the problem and the background.
Regarding the treatment and analysis of the data, descriptive and inferential statistics and analysis for some variables were used, using mainly the statistical package “Statistical Pactare for Social Sciences” (SPSS, version 25.0 for Windows).
Finally, the method used was Inductive-Deductive, by means of which knowledge was obtained about the behaviour of the variables involved in our research objective allowing us to support statements in relation to our objects of study. The Analytical-Synthetic method was also used to decompose each variable and study its dimensions and interpret each of these, identifying the level of association between them.
The results obtained were analysed according to the objectives and hypotheses set out in the research, using inferential statistics. The purpose of this was to determine the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of the families in the district of Baños del Inca. In order to collect and analyse the relevant information, a questionnaire was applied, which collected data related to the variable and dimensions. The presentation and analysis of the results are shown in the following tables.
In testing the general hypothesis: There is a direct and significant relationship between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of families in Baños Del Inca district during the period 2022, the following results have been obtained:
Table 1: Correlation between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of families
**. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. (bilateral).
Table 1 shows that the α is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, therefore, Pearson’s coefficient is statistically significant and true. On the other hand, Pearson’s coefficient is 0.897, the positive sign of the coefficient indicates that there is a direct correlation between the variables, this means that by improving the sustainability of the tourism system there will be an adequate adaptability of the families in Baños Del Inca district. Furthermore, considering the decision rule mentioned above, as the Pearson coefficient found is greater than 0.8, it can be affirmed that there is a highly significant correlation between the variables.
Table 2: Correlation between sustainability of the tourism system and adaptability in terms of family flexibility
**. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. (bilateral).
In table 2, it is observed that the α = 0.000 is less than 0.05, therefore, it is deduced that the Pearson coefficient is statistically significant; on the other hand, the calculated Pearson coefficient is equal to 0.777, therefore, greater than 0. 5, then it is considered that the correlation between the variable with a moderate level, in addition to being the sign of the positive coefficient it is deduced that the relationship between the variable and the dimensions is direct; in other words, the sustainability of the tourism system increases to the extent that adaptability increases in terms of family flexibility.
Table 3: Correlation between sustainability of the tourism system and adaptability according to role type
**. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. (bilateral).
Table 3 shows that the calculated α is less than 0.05, so Pearson’s coefficient is statistically significant and it does correlate the variable with the dimensions. The Pearson coefficient is positively equivalent to 0.817; based on the decision rule, it is greater than 0.5 and less than 0.8; therefore, thanks to the Pearson coefficient and its characteristics, it can be interpreted that the correlation between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability according to the type of roles is statistically significant with a high level; in addition, the correlation is direct, this means that the more family adaptability according to their roles exists, the more sustainability of the tourism system will exist on the part of the families of the district of Baños Del Inca.
Table 4: Correlation between sustainability of the tourism system and adaptability in terms of relationship rules
**. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. (bilateral).
In table 4, we observe that the calculated α (0.000) in table 8 is less than 0.05, so the Pearson coefficient is statistically significant and does correlate the work performance variable with the supervision dimension. The calculated Pearson’s coefficient is positively equivalent to 0.800, which according to the decision rule is less than 0.8; the level of correlation is moderate between the variable and the dimension, also by the sign of the coefficient the correlation is direct, this means that the adaptability of the families according to their family relationship rules.
This research work was based on the interest in determining the relationship between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of families in the district of Baños Del Inca during the period 2018. The general hypothesis was that there is a significant relationship between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of the families in the district of Baños Del Inca during the period 2022. This general hypothesis has been proven thanks to the analysis and testing of the specific hypotheses derived from the general hypothesis. The background was also contrasted as indicated by Torres (2013), who presented the doctoral thesis entitled: Tourism and Sustainability. Una propuesta metodológica para el estudio de la sostenibilidad turística a escala municipal proposing a methodology based on indicators of social, economic and environmental sustainability and, from this analysis, to building an index of tourism sustainability (ISOST), so that it can be used in all municipalities with which we effectively agree, since the three dimensions indicated above also led to being able to define the analysis of sustainability in our field of study.
Torres (2013), in his study carried out in Catalonia, presented us with a tool for assessing and defining future tourism strategies and sustainability for municipalities that are tourist destinations, which has been positive and served as a basis for our research, by allowing us to measure the natural and cultural value of our area of study. Similarly, Orgaz (2013), in his thesis: Community-based Tourism as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Underdeveloped Destinations, helped us to determine that local stakeholders are in charge of planning tourism activity, with the local community being the main axis of the activity, and therefore the main beneficiary. Meanwhile, the thesis by Oliveira and Santos (2014), “Residents’ Perception of Sustainable Tourism Development based on Cultural Heritage: The Case of the City of São Cristóvão, Sergipe”, allowed us to identify the tourism development of our study area through the perception of its residents, to verify their knowledge of their city’s heritage and to identify their opinion regarding tourism development. Regarding our variable family adaptability to the tourism system, Sigüenza’s (2015) thesis entitled “Family Functioning according to Olson’s Circumplex Model” served as a theoretical basis for describing the objective characteristics of family functioning.
As for the national background, Zapata and Borrego (2014), in their thesis “Influencia del turismo en el desarrollo local de las comunidades de Huanchaco y Moche de Trujillo”, agree that tourism and its development have positively influenced the progress of the communities. With Fasabi (2014) in his study entitled “Formulación de un Plan Estratégico Turístico para el distrito de San Jerónimo de Surco que fomente su Desarrollo Turístico Sostenible” (Formulation of a Strategic Tourism Plan for the district of San Jerónimo de Surco that promotes its Sustainable Tourism Development), We agree that those in charge, whether it is the Municipality or the community, have benefits since improving basic services and services which provide a tourist purpose there will be a greater influx of visitors; with respect to our variable family adaptability to the tourism system at the national level, we take as a theoretical source the thesis of Ortiz (2012) who investigated about family adaptability in high school students in the district of Independencia, with whom we agree that there is a direct relationship between the psychological aspect and family adaptability.
At the regional level, Riviera (2008) was taken into consideration with his research entitled “Promotion of the Province of Cutervo as an Alternative for Sustainable Tourism in Northern Peru”, with whom we agree that the lack of willingness of the relevant authorities to improve tourist attractions and the neglect of carrying out a sustainable tourism development plan in destinations with great potential in order to improve and increase the quality of life of the inhabitants.
Therefore, as stated above, the sustainability of the tourism system consists of practices which seek to achieve a balance of three dimensions, namely economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and socio-cultural sustainability; which aims to satisfy the needs of tourists as well as those of tourist destinations, protecting and increasing their potential for the future. That is, managing resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be met while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and livelihood systems. Family adaptability to the tourism system can be said to be the ability of a marital or family system to change its power structure, roles and relationship rules in response to a situational or developmental demand. For a good adaptive system to exist, a balance between change and stability is required, presenting the dimensions: adaptability in terms of family flexibility, adaptability in terms of the type of roles and adaptability in terms of relationship rules.
In addition, the results of the surveys of the different heads of households gave main results regarding the most important activity carried out in their district to conserve the environment; 30% indicated that they carry out activities such as cleaning rivers and canals, which indicates that the inhabitants are not well defined about how the environment should be conserved, showing in this way a majority recognition of the very conventional and unsustainable development model implemented in the district.
Also, 37.5% said that the most relevant aspect reflecting their culture is gastronomy, since it is the activity to which the population is frequently dedicated. 46.5% also said that their contribution to the local culture is the local cuisine. With regard to the most important economic activity related to tourism we have 37.5% who mentioned gastronomy as the main economic activity, which is related to the average monthly income for this activity (gastronomy), with an average amount of S/2780. It is also necessary to indicate that the members of the family that are most committed to the tourist activity are the parents, who represent 20.5%, whose main interest is to obtain economic income, 68% of which is obtained from the sale of food and drinks. Finally, 45.5% say that the tourist activity in the future will be to obtain a better income.
These data lead us to determine the new trends in tourism which must present a diversification of new destinations, increasing the diversification of tourism products offered and emerging destinations, in order to compete for larger market shares, For this we must make use of technology which will help us to better manage our social, economic and environmental impact, This can be done by using technological advances, such as big data and geolocation, to promote sustainable tourism management and thus be able to take advantage of the Millennials segment (22-37 years), which currently represents 23%, as well as the Baby Boomers (52-70 years), which represent 20%, and Generation X (38-51 years), which represents 5%.
In accordance with the results, objectives and discussion above, the conclusions drawn from this research are set out below:
(1) In relation to the general objective, it is concluded that in the district of Baños del Inca, the families have tourism awareness, which is evidenced by the direct and significant relationship obtained in the results between the sustainability of the tourism system and the adaptability of the families, observing that the Pearson’s coefficient is 0. 897, which indicates that improving the environmental, social and cultural sustainability of the tourism system will also improve the adaptability of families;
(2) In relation to the specific objective, we can conclude that families in the district of Baños Del Inca present a significant conservation of the environment, so the relationship found between family adaptability and environmental sustainability in the district of Baños Del Inca during the period 2018 was direct and significant where the Pearson coefficient calculated is equal to 0. 777, which means that family adaptability to the tourism system increases due to good practice in the development of environmental sustainability;
(3) Regarding the second specific objective, the relationship between family adaptability and socio-cultural sustainability is direct and significant whereby we mention that currently Baños families are assuming a moderate cultural responsibility, developing criteria for the conservation of their culture and ancestral customs, which is why we have obtained a positive Pearson coefficient equal to 0. 817, which indicates that the more family adaptability there is to the tourist system, the more socio-cultural sustainability will exist on the part of the families; and
(4) As for the third specific objective, the existing relationship between family adaptability and economic sustainability is direct and significant since the Pearson coefficient calculated is 0.800, which means that family adaptability to the tourist system raises the economic sustainability in the families of the district of Baños Del Inca.
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