Administration of eCG in acyclic dairy cows previously treated with P4 has been recommended (Pinheiro et al., 2009, Bryan et al., 2013; Marquezini et al., 2013) since FSH and LH can induce ovarian follicle development and ovulation (; Yavas and Walton, 2000). The present study evaluated the effects of eCG treatment along with 48-h calf removal after an 8-day P4 protocol in suckling Nelore cows. Nelore cows in anestrous postpartum were submitted to AI after estrus observation, resulting in a pregnancy rate of 74.6% and 50.6% in the eCGCR and NoeCGCR groups, respectively (P < 0.01). Our results were better than those obtained by Belloso et al., (2002) who performed a similar experiment in Bos indicus primiparous cows under anestrous conditions. They submitted the cows to P4 protocols with fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) and TW (temporary weaning) for 96 h (G1) and with eCG (G2) achieving conception rates of 61.5% and 67.7%, respectively. Similarly, in another study, Marquesini et al., (2013) used eCG after 7 days of intravaginal P4 and observed increased dominant follicle (DF) diameter at the TAI, but there was no influence on the pregnancy rate of Bos taurus beef cattle. Sá Filho et al., (2010 b) observed improvement in pregnancy rates when eCG was used along with PGF administration using a controlled internal drug-releasing device and CR. Our results (PR) can be assigned the cows were inseminated after the visible estrus. Protocols combining progestin, eCG, and temporary removal of calves are important tools that can be used to synchronize estrus (; Meneghetti et al., 2001; 2009; Sá Filho et al., 2010b). Others studies using eCG, with or without TW, did not yield consistent results. Temporary calf removal, with or without eCG administration, did not significantly alter the pregnancy rates in TAI by suckling Nelore cows (Pinheiro et al., 2009) or in Bos indicus heifers (Butler et al., 2011), emphasizing that these authors employed fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Vasconcelos et al., (2009) showed that the temporary removal of calves increased the estrus rate and improved reproductive performance in Angus × Nelore crossbred anestrus cows; estrus induction was observed even in cows with a DF having a size of less than 7 mm. This corroborates the results of the present study, indicating the reason for the difference between the eCGCR group and NoeCGCR (p < 0.05) on the visible manifestation of estrus. Our hypothesis was that the association of eCG and CR could exert beneficial effects, because eCG would induce the development of ovarian follicles and ovulation in lactating dairy cows previously treated with progesterone (Yavas and Walton, 2000) and the CR would increase the frequency of LH pulses up to the final follicle maturation and ovulation (; Kawashima et al., 2008).
Regarding the size of ovulatory follicles (OFs) on the AI day, Meneghetti et al., (2001) suggested that the temporary removal (48 h) of calves resulted in increased size of the DF and ovulation rate in anestrus Nelore cows compared to the cows that remained with calves. In the present study, the diameter of OFs was larger, but not statistically significant, in the treated group than in the control. Our data are in agreement to those obtained in Nelore cows by Borges et al., (2003) who reported that the diameter of OFs was 11.0 mm, which is very close to the diameter found in our study (11.3mm; table 1) and different from that reported by Ferraz et al., (2009) (9.1 mm). This difference could be assigned to the difference in body condition score.
In conclusion, the use of eCG + CR after a long-term P4 protocol yielded better results and improved pregnancy rates and estrus induction.
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