Exploring the Issue of Economic Security and Information Management for Business Operations in the Globalised Modern World


1Vistula University, Warsaw, Poland                                                                          

2University of Economics and Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Academic Editor: Jolanta, Maria Ciak

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Iwona PRZYCHOCKA and Iwona SOBIECKA (2022)," Exploring the Issue of Economic Security and Information Management for Business Operations in the Globalised Modern World", Journal of Innovation & Business Best Practice, Vol. 2022 (2022), Article ID 420884,DOI:10.5171/2022.420884

Copyright © 2022. Iwona PRZYCHOCKA and Iwona SOBIECKA . Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC-BY 4.0


The economic security and management of information are crucial elements for the functioning of stakeholders in the free market economy in the XXI century. Indeed, they are inherently interlinked as well. Firstly, without an adequate level of security, information or finance, it is impossible to ensure the stable and sustainable functioning of businesses in the free market economy. Secondly, without a development, it would not be possible to continuously expand the potential of broadly understood economic security, including data management, i.e., Big Data. The issue of broadly understood security and data management in such rapidly shifting market conditions is at the core of modern states.

Keywords: economic security, information, Big Data, business


The article refers to the issue of economic security as well as information management, i.e., Big Data in the functioning of a modern enterprise being a part of every field of life and economy.

In today’s world, the economy is subject to increasing digitalization, as a result of which huge amounts of digital data are generated that shape our daily lives. According to Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, mankind currently generates annually as much data as the entire civilisation had produced by the beginning of the 21st century. What’s more, the amount of data doubles on average every 2 years. It is estimated that already in 2025, the average consumption of a data package in Poland will increase to 21.48 GB. Today’s companies use data management as an “individual key” to understand the behaviour and preferences of specific customer groups or to create effective strategies that enable accurate business decisions and scalable growth. The civilisational changes taking place in the modern world have resulted in the need to consider security problems in a much broader context than just the political and military one. The scope of the concept of security also includes other areas, such as economic, social, cultural, scientific, environmental, technical and informational.

The main aim of the article is to draw attention to the problems of changing economic security in a dynamically changing information environment, which are important for the functioning of enterprises.

The publication uses mainly the method of analysis and observation. The article uses the analysis of the literature on security, economics, organization and management. The analysis of widely understood security in the field of information, finance or management and its influence on the functioning of an enterprise in a free-market economy was carried out.

Summing up the article, it should be stated that economic security and information management are crucial for the company’s operations in the 21st century.

Characteristics Of a Free Market Economy

In modern economies, two basic models can be distinguished, namely the centrally planned economy and the market economy (Samuelson, Nordhaus, 2014, 80-88). In fact, there is a combination of both models, with the predominance of one of them.

In a centrally planned economy, all economic decisions are taken at the state level, outside of enterprises. Productive assets are owned by the state; factors of production are distributed centrally; surplus income of enterprises is transferred to state bodies. The allocation of resources is determined by the state, ordering individuals and enterprises to follow economic plans. This model of the economy is characterised by low efficiency in the use of productive resources, i.e., labour, land, capital.

In a market economy, the coordinator and regulator of economic processes is the market, where, as a result of the interaction of demand and supply forces, price decisions and allocations are made. The market is a process through which the mutual interactions of buyers and sellers of goods lead to the determination of the price and quantity of goods. Consumers have the deciding vote on what to produce. They decide what goods they want to buy and in what quantities. In turn, producers try to adapt to these decisions and focus exclusively on the production of those goods which are in high demand at a given moment.

Competition between enterprises determines how they produce, forcing down product prices, and this is only possible by reducing production costs, which in turn forces the use of the most efficient production methods as a result of technological progress. Signals informing about the right technologies are prices, which in comparison with the costs and volume of production determine the economic results of an enterprise

(Przychocka, 2015, 135-139).

Demand and supply on the market of production factors, i.e., labour, land, capital and entrepreneurship, for which the owners of these factors receive remuneration in the form of wages, annuities and interest rates, determine for whom to produce. The quantity of the factors of production and their prices make up consumers’ incomes, for which they can purchase goods to satisfy their needs, making demand for these goods expressed in money. There are also non-market factors determining the final distribution of income, the nature of which depends, among other things, on the initial distribution of property, acquired or inherited abilities and skills, luck, race, gender and others. The best answer to the question of for whom to produce is to say: for he who has money.

The market economy is characterised by the rational use of resources, freedom to conduct business and transfer property rights, an effective incentive system, high innovation, financial discipline of entities, the tendency for the market equilibrium to be self-set through the price mechanism. In a market economy, there is a market for goods and services and a market for factors, as well as two types of economic agents, namely households (consumers) and enterprises (producers). The factors of production are privately owned and their prices and the prices of the goods produced are the basis for economic decision-making.

Economic activities are undertaken and carried out without coercion and without any centralised orders. The market mechanism serves to unconsciously coordinate the actions of individuals and enterprises through a system of prices and markets. It arose through evolution, is subject to change and is capable of processing; without any superior intelligence it solves problems containing many variables uncertainties and dependencies. Excessive government interference in the setting of prices and quantities of goods leads to paralysis of the market mechanism, as expressed in the principle of the invisible hand:

“Everyone in the selfish pursuit of his own only good is compelled – as if guided by an invisible hand – to pursue the best possible good of all. In this best of all worlds, any government interference with free competition will almost certainly prove harmful.” (Samuelson, Nordhaus, 2014, 86).     

Consumers, clustered in households, possess factors of production such as labour, land and capital. These factors are sold by consumers to entrepreneurs, who pay for them in the form of wages, annuities and interest. The factors are used by producers in a production process that produces goods that satisfy consumers’ needs with the money they get from selling the factors. This creates a closed circuit of goods and money in the opposite direction. In the market for goods and factors, a state of equilibrium is established, meaning an equalization of demand and supply for goods and factors of production. The mechanism that leads to a state of equilibrium is the price, which tends to rise when supply exceeds demand.

In equilibrium, a price level is established at which producers offer exactly as many goods as consumers want to buy. The same is true in a factor market.

Concept and elements of business security in a market economy

The extended definition of security, which corresponds to current conditions, also takes into account the economic level. In the definition adopted by the UN, security means a state in which states recognise that there is no threat of military attack, political pressure or economic pressure preventing their development (Stanczyk,1996, 18-19; Przychocka, 2019).

Development is defined as a multidimensional process involving the reorganisation and reorientation of the entire economic and social system.

The basic development values are assumed to be:

– sustaining life by meeting basic human needs for food, shelter, health, clothing;

– achieving human self-respect, i.e., cultural identity, honour, recognition and acceptance by others;

– maintaining personal freedom and freedom of choice (Bartkowiak, 2005, 48-49).

These values set the goals of development, which are:

– to increase the production and wider distribution of basic life-sustaining goods;

– to improve the standard of living by achieving not only higher incomes but also more jobs, participating in the consumption and direct production of cultural and humanitarian values that serve both to improve the material standard of living and to generate higher awareness and respect; (Chądzyński, Nowakowska, Przygodzki, 2007, 92-94; Cwik, 2019).

– to expand the scope of economic and social choice for individuals and nations, by freeing them from servitude and dependence on other people and nations.

Competitiveness of the Company as An Element of Economic Security

The competitive advantage of the enterprise can be achieved only with the help of the economic market, which includes a set of instruments, techniques, criteria and rules for selecting the optimal variant of economic activities. In practice, it means a set of activities related to the preparation and implementation of projects; it is a basic tool for rationalizing economic decisions (Mojsoska & Dujovski, 2018;  Udovič, 2006; Wysokińska-Senkus & Raczkowski, 2013). The subject of economic calculation is inputs, factors and the degree of achievement of objectives, taking into account the conditions of action. Inputs represent the consumption of production factors, while outputs are defined in terms of economic results, e.g., sales volume, or effects that cannot be expressed in quantitative terms, e.g., improvement of working conditions, the state of the natural environment. The degree to which the objectives are achieved is assessed in accordance with the criteria which make it possible to make an optimal choice from among the considered variants of the decision-making process. The optimal variant is the solution allowing for maximisation of the objective at specific outlays or minimisation of outlays at the achievement of the assumed objective. In the economic calculation of enterprises, this is mainly profit maximisation at costs determined by the production technology, consisting in determining the volume of production maximising the profit, or cost minimisation, consisting in determining the amount of total outlays to achieve the assumed volume of production at the lowest cost (Chiang, 2014, 85-94; Cwik, Telep, 2006).

Measures of Economic Development

The level of development is measured using various measures of an economic, demographic, social, cultural, environmental, scientific and technical nature, e.g., energy consumption per capita, illiteracy rate, infant mortality.

In the literature, the following terms are often used interchangeably: standard of living, quality of life, standard of living, standard of living or living conditions. There is also a lack of unified definitions that would allow us to grasp the differences between these concepts.

The standard of living was defined by the UN Commission of Experts as: “the totality of people’s actual living conditions and the degree to which their material and cultural needs are satisfied through a stream of goods and services that are paid for and derived from social funds”. M. Johann and A. Zeliaś describe the standard of living as “the totality of the conditions in which a society, a socio-professional group, a household or an individual lives, expressed primarily in the facilities relating to the process of satisfying individual and collective needs” (Johann, 2005, 11; Zeliaś, 2000, 15). According to C. Bywalec and S. Wydymus, the standard of living is “the degree of satisfaction of human (society’s) needs, resulting from the consumption of material goods and services and the use of the values of the natural and social environment” (Bywalec, Wydymus, 1992). All these definitions link the standard of living with the feeling of need satisfaction. However, as is evident from the meaning of the word need – it is a subjective feeling (Sztaba, 2007, 369).

Quality of life is an even more subjective term than the previous ones. As W. Ostasiewicz claims, “the quality of anything can be assessed only by the person making use of this “anything” (Ostasiewicz, 2004,13). His proposed definition of the quality of life is as follows: “the quality of everything that defines human life, as well as the quantity of everything that is necessary for living. So, it is the quality of housing, the quality of working conditions, the quality and quantity of what is eaten, the quality of the services people have to use in order to live, etc.” A. Helbich understands the quality of life as: “the relationship between the social needs and values felt by individuals and social groups, and the possibilities in the field of their satisfaction and realization” (A. Helbich, 1999, 143). According to A. Helbich, it is “the degree of satisfaction of all (material, spiritual and social) needs of the population, the state of social satisfaction resulting from the perception by the population of the totality of conditions, all the important dimensions of life” (A. Helbich, 1999, 16).

Prosperity is sometimes understood as “a state of high satisfaction of various needs of a society or an individual, and its general exponent is GDP per capita in a given country. Its level depends on individual and collective consumption”. (Johann, 2005, 21) Another shorter definition describes well-being as “a state of high satisfaction of the subsistence and cultural needs of the population, which is determined by the size of consumption” (Piątek, 2002, 24).

According to dictionary definitions, the standard of living is “the totality of goods and services at the disposal of an individual, household or social group” (Bernard, Colli,1994,158), or “a colloquial expression for the level of well-being” (Sztaba, 2007, p. 460).

The above definitions show the different approaches of researchers to the categories used to describe social development. These differences are important insofar as they are reflected in the way scientific research is carried out. The standard of living can be studied using quantitative and qualitative methods. If the research is carried out by those who understand well-being, level of life and quality of life as concepts with a relatively narrow scope, then in relation to the first two concepts they will apply only quantitative methods of measuring the phenomenon, and in the third case only qualitative methods (Bywalec, 1991, 22-30). On the other hand, for those who advocate a broader understanding of these concepts, the differences lose their meaning, they consider it appropriate to apply quantitative and qualitative research simultaneously, regardless of whether it is work on quality or level of life.

The concepts of measures and indicators are also formulated differently in the literature. The main advantages of the yardsticks used by the UNDP are: simplicity of calculation, use of commonly available statistical data and combining into one – social and economic assessment of development. The disadvantages include the high sensitivity of the indicators to socio-economic changes in the country. These indicators are becoming increasingly popular, as evidenced by the growing number of National Human Development Reports -NHDRs. On the basis of these reports, development goals and methods of achieving them, as well as how to reach the standards of highly developed countries, are increasingly being set.

A popular technique for studying social and economic development is the UNRISD Geneva method. Within the framework of this method, indicators relating to particular groups of needs are studied. The basic assumptions in the Geneva method consist in conducting two types of statistical observations simultaneously:

– full observation of all groups of material and cultural needs of people,

– observation of selected indicators referring to quantitative and qualitative groups of needs. (Johann, 2005, 28)

Within the framework of the Geneva method, seven basic groups of needs are specified, which include: food, shelter (clothing and housing), health care, education, recreation, social security, material development.

Company’s competitive position as an element of security

Competitive position refers to the position of a given enterprise, its products or services in the broader market. It defines the opportunities and threats resulting from it. Market position is often referred to as competitive advantage, i.e., the achievement by an enterprise of a superior position over its competitors. It is a relative measure of its functioning on the market, allowing the company to offer customers services or products that meet their expectations and are significantly better than those offered by competitors. This is distinguished, among other things, in higher product quality, lower price, better service and more complete satisfaction of customer needs.

The literature distinguishes three basic types of competitive advantage:

  1. quality advantage – in order to achieve it, actions are taken and marketing instruments are used which may undergo qualitative changes, e.g., product, packaging, distribution, services and conditions of their offering,
  2. price advantage – the basis for achieving this advantage are those marketing instruments and marketing activities which are directly connected with the material interest of buyers. This requires pricing at a lower level and other instruments of the buyer’s interest (e.g., promotion) at a higher level than in the case of competitors
  3. information advantage – is related to the process of creating information.


Competitive position determines the strategy understood as a set of goals and main organizational undertakings.

A company may take the following positions on the market:

  1. market leader – create new strategies, try to find and create new needs, conquer newer and newer markets (expand its target markets, increase existing demand, acquire its target markets, acquire new customers),
  2. aggressive market share – takes the second or third position on the market in relation to the leader. It is characterised by high activity on the market, it tries to increase its market share,
  3. quiet participation in the market game – which is a passive market participant, not showing any desire to increase its market share. Its aim is to maintain customer loyalty, to win new customers, through high quality market products and low production costs.


Competitiveness of enterprises includes activities enabling them to survive in their environment. These activities may be characterised by varying degrees of uncertainty and risk, which further complicates the conduct of appropriate analyses to determine the competitive position of the enterprise.

Competition is a fundamental feature of a market economy and enterprises must be competitive. A competitive firm should have the ability and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions in which it operates. It should also strive to make such business decisions that will give it a long-term competitive advantage. The competitive position is both an effect of competitive advantage and a starting element for undertaking actions determined by the company’s strategy. The most commonly used measures of a company’s competitive position are market shares and the financial position of the company. Other indicators include sales revenue, debt, investment expenditures and export sales. The values of these indicators determine the company’s position on the production market. The company can have a different position, depending on the adopted classification, from insignificant, through increasingly important, to a dominant position, which means control over the behaviour of competitors and the possibility of choosing a competitive strategy. Competitive potential consists of: R&D activity, production, quality management, supply logistics, marketing, finance, employment in the organisation and management, intangible resources. Instruments for competing in the market include price and non-price factors, e.g., quality, service, advertising, payment terms, delivery. Important components of the competitive potential include the marketing area, which includes: product, price, distribution and advertising. One of the ways to achieve the assumed competitive position is to determine an appropriate company strategy in the marketing zone. This requires ongoing monitoring of the company’s customer satisfaction.

The economic effects of the company, expressed in financial results, or market position, depend to a large extent on the degree of utilisation of its resources. Large organisations have large amounts of resources at their disposal, and therefore wastage of resources results in correspondingly high losses of products in terms of volume, at the same time increasing the cost of producing the product. This leads to a deterioration in efficiency. The competitiveness of products in a market economy, intensified by processes regionalisation and globalisation, imposes on companies, wishing to maintain their market position and make a positive profit, the necessity to continuously increase the degree of utilisation of resources and charge costs of product manufacture. These effects are only possible with an efficient company management system covering all elements of its functioning. Such a system must be characterised above all by high flexibility, so that it is able to respond to all changes in the product market and adjust the functioning of the company to these changes. This is a continuous process requiring the use of scientific achievements and systematic research of the company’s activities and individual organisational elements as well as the market environment, in order to detect threats in time and take actions aimed at their elimination or reduction of their effects and the strengthening of positive effects.

 The essence and importance of information collection management in the 21st century

The term ‘big data’ (“big data”), sometimes translated as “gigadata”, refers to the vast amount of data generated in the digital world. IBM has conducted research which shows that approx. 2.5 exabytes (EB) of data are produced every day. One EB is 10 to the power of 18 bytes (or one million terabytes (TB). A modern laptop computer has a hard drive capacity of 1-2 TB (Dawn E. Holmes, 2021, 12).

The modern view of the big data problem focuses on two areas of data creation:

  1. data can be created by humans in mobile applications, social media, financial, commercial operations, e-government records including medical, etc;
  2. data can be generated by devices and collected by sensors


in objects connected to the Internet (so-called Internet of Things), for example in smart cars, factories, satellites, including GPS.

The rapid growth in the volume of information, especially that generated by the Internet of Things, has resulted in the volume of all data generated reaching almost 44 zettabytes (44 times 10 to the power of 21 bytes) at the end of 2020 and a level of around 74 zettabytes in 2021. It is worth noting that the number of smartphones generating data has increased to 6.1 billion with the world population in 2020 estimated at 7.8 billion. The term “big data” is often understood as the use of computing potential and technologically advanced software to collect, process and analyse data characterised by high volume, speed of generation and value.  (Big Data: Bringing Competition Policy to the Digital Era, OECD – Directorate for Financial and Enterprise, Competition Committee.)

Concept, characteristics and perspectives of Big Data

In 1999, Gartner analyst Doug Laney, observing the sources of data, its structure and diversity, as well as the speed with which it is produced, defined three characteristics of gigadata, the so-called 3V, as:

  1. volume – the size of the data;
  2. velocity – the speed of production;
  3. variety.

Within two decades, this original number of characteristics grew to 10. Thus, the concept of 10V emerged:

  1. variability – the multidimensionality and inconsistency of big data;
  2. veracity – the relatively low reliability of the data;
  3. validity – relevance and correctness of such data;
  4. vulnerability – susceptibility to cyber attacks;
  5. volatility – usefulness and profitability of big data archiving;
  6. visualisation – the ability to visualise the data;
  7. value – business value and usefulness.


The challenges we face in relation to “Big Data” are the focus of attention not only of individual countries but also of international organisations. The European Union is carrying out a number of works preparing the organisation and the member states for the new challenges, but also for the threats that may be associated with “big data”. Huge amounts of data produced by people and devices are collected and analysed in order to obtain new information, a kind of added value.

 This opens up completely new opportunities and benefits in many areas, such as industry, the environment, healthcare and transport.

One of the results of ongoing work in the European Union is the preparation of a European data strategy, the foundation of which is the creation of a single data market. Such a single data market means:

  1. the flow of data within the EU and across sectors.
  2. the creation of EU rules on privacy, data protection and competition law.
  3. Preparing fair, practical rules for access to and use of data.


Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that firstly, the value of the data economy in the EU will increase from €301 billion in 2018 to €829 billion in 2025. Secondly, there will be an increase in the number of data professionals in the EU from 5.7 million in 2018 to 10.9 million in 2025. Subsequently, the percentage of the population with basic digital skills will also increase from 57% in 2018 to 65% in 2025.

The possibilities of using “big data” will definitely increase with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the brand-new analysis tools and technologies it offers, which will accelerate and optimise the process of data acquisition, processing, analysis and visualisation. These data, “big data”, will become the foundation of the modern global economy, which is what coal, steel and oil were for earlier economies.

In this context, it is interesting to note the words of Tom Goodwin in 2015, who stated that “Uber, the largest taxi corporation, doesn’t own a single car; Facebook, the world’s most popular medium, doesn’t create any content. Alibaba, the highest valued retailer, doesn’t have anything in stock, and Airbnb, the largest home rental provider, doesn’t own any properties (…) Something interesting is happening.” And there is a point here. None of these companies have hard assets, while they all have gigantic data resources and the technology to derive added value from them. This added value, especially in the context of the ability of different companies to exploit the potential of big behavioural data sets, has allowed US researcher Shoshan Zuboff to make the strong and controversial thesis that we are now experiencing the emergence of surveillance capitalism (Zhao, Yu, Li, Han, & Du, 2019).

Recent years have shown that creating added value on the basis of “big data” of personal data gives completely new possibilities and instruments of influence not only on an individual person, but on whole social groups, states or groups of states. This influence may be of marketing, socio-technical or political nature and may serve to achieve specific goals such as inducing a particular behaviour or conduct, influencing the nature of the decision or choice made. This is confirmed by Christopher Wylie, a former employee and head of research at Cambridge Analytica, who has exposed the manipulation of public opinion through social media. The former head of Cambridge Analytica, Alexander Nix, even claims that the company’s biggest success was Trump’s winning campaign in the United States. Trump won the election by tailoring his message to voters in the states that mattered most to the outcome of the election. This was the result of profiling groups of voters based on ‘big data’ personal data.

Although profiling algorithms are improving all the time, those who use them approach the effects of profiling with caution. However, this is a phenomenon that will develop dynamically. We encounter profiling on a daily basis when we apply, for example, for a loan in a bank, but we are aware that many of these profiling processes take place without our knowledge, based on data collected about us. This exponentially increasing amount of data on us, combined with new technologies created by artificial intelligence, gives completely new, previously unknown tools and instruments for influencing individuals, social groups or societies, becoming the foundation of surveillance capitalism. For this reason, the legal protection of “big data” exploitation processes in the area of personal data takes on a new dimension.

One should also be aware that the ability to create added value from “big data” will increasingly determine the competitive position on the market, changing the functioning of companies and the entire economy as a result. On the one hand, fast and effective analysis of large data sets will serve to optimise decision-making processes. On the other hand, it can also be used to gain a more complete view of the behaviour of, for example, shoppers or the reactions of competitors. The analysis of personal data in terms of the needs and interests of potential customers will be used to create effective marketing campaigns. Financial institutions will expand their ability to detect and respond to fraud attempts.

As you can see, the problem of managing “big data” poses many challenges for us, including in the area of education. It depends on us whether we will be able to educate and properly prepare specialists who will not only be able to navigate the world of “big data” well but will also be able to create this added value by extracting from data what is most important and necessary for various areas of life. We are not only talking about data analysts who must be able to find data and put them into logical sequences which are the basis for making decisions and initiating further actions, we are also talking about data scientists who, moving in the area of the most dynamically developing unstructured data or partially structured data, will tend to be systematised, sort of catalogued or classified on the basis of some common features, behaviours, form of existence, sources, etc., etc., thus building a sort of access key to these data.

Standard economic indicators do not match the changes that are taking place in economic and social reality under the influence of new technologies and the flood of data. I think we can already talk about the emergence of a digital economy.

Large data sets are powerful, their potential to serve humanity is and will be enormous, and how we take care of them to avoid abuse depends only on us (Deepa et al., 2022; Sreedevi, Nitya Harshitha, Sugumaran, & Shankar, 2022; Wang & Wang, 2021).


The problems of economic security are one of the most important elements of broadly understood state security. This is reflected in post-modern normative documents regulating the issues of state security, which state that the security of the state and its stability must have a sustainable economic basis. The durability of these foundations is determined, among others, by the economic policy of the state, the size of indicators describing the state of the economy on a macroeconomic scale, the social situation and the economy on a global scale the economic situation of economic entities. Support measures that increase resilience to international financial crises, in particular by strengthening the stability of the public finance system, while ensuring conditions for a stable and sustainable economic growth.

These problems are a barrier of particular importance in the conditions of progressing globalisation, which intensifies the phenomena accompanying the competitiveness of the market economy. They also occur in services, which are becoming a dominant area of modern farms.

However, management of information, data, or “Big Data” is certainly an area of the future. The modern world produces more and more data every year to support forecasting the direction of socio-economic development and generating information needs in the spheres of science, education or business. The benefits of using Big Data tools are created by technological progress, thanks to which new tools for data processing and storage are created. The development of technology, and what follows, the collection, processing and effective analysis of data, is the future of many sectors of the economy. Effective data processing helps to support companies and organisations.

One can conclude from the article that economic security, information management and financial management are very important for the functioning of entities in a free market economy.

Economic security is one of the aspects of state security and can both directly and indirectly affect it. It is also one of the main objectives of state policy. More and more attention is being paid to the possibilities of state development by creating conditions for building economic potential on the basis of social development. There is no doubt that it is in the state’s good interest to ensure economic security for society and this element should be included in the national development strategy. The society is the most important element of the state and its good situation is a condition for the development of the state, both in the internal and international dimension. It should also be remembered that the economic security of the state concerns the whole society, hence actions taken by the government concerning it should be controlled not only by public opinion, but also by independent experts.

The simultaneous development of the state and society is possible, and through the channel of economic security can bring real mutual benefits (Kalata, Nowakowski, Protasowicki, 2014, 58-61). A prerequisite for an effective state policy, guaranteeing the uninterrupted implementation of its goals, tasks and functions, formulated in relation to the economy, but whose effects are felt by society as a whole, is the provision of economic security by the state. Its interdisciplinary character makes it a domain of influence of many sectoral policies. The essential role, however, falls to the macroeconomic policy and its selected areas, as they can create positive impulses for sustainable socio-economic development. A characteristic feature of economic security is the mutual influence of its individual dimensions, especially those directly related to the conditions of survival and development of society, which affect the rationality of individual behaviour.


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