Main Trends of the World Grain Market And Possibilities of Russia to Strengthen its Position Therein

Galina Victorovna PODBIRALINA, Tatiana Evgenievna MIGALEVA, Ludmila Lvovna RAZUMNOVA and Alla Vladimirovna RYZHAKOVA

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation


Grain farming is of strategic importance for the Russian economy. The growth in the production of grain and its processed products will strengthen the country’s export potential, boost its position as one of the largest grain exporters in the world market, and ensure food security. The purpose of the study is to analyze the functioning of the world grain market and offer theoretical tools to enhance Russia’s position in this market. The subject is the possibilities and limits of Russia’s positioning on the world grain market. The methodological basis of the article is characterized by a combination of theoretical and quantitative analysis, systematization, comparison, descriptive statistics, which made it possible to identify the main trends in the current state of the world grain market; to assess the grain balance of Russia and identified favorable markets for Russian grain products; to analyze measures of state support for the production and processing of grain, as well as suggest recommendations that will stimulate the production of valuable grain varieties, mitigate the risks of dependence on world grain prices and significantly strengthen the position of the Russian Federation on the world grain market.

Keywords: World grain market; grain export; food security of Russia.