1Elena BELLIO, 2Francesca CHECCHINATO and 2Christine MAURACHER

1Bocconi University, Italy

2Università Ca’ Foscari, Italy


Considering the visual social media diffusion, this research aims at analyzing the content of the photos posted by wineries of high-end products on Instagram. The objective is to evaluate the opportunities in terms of communication strategies by defining content categories and their ability to create engagement. We conducted a visual content analysis of 443 pictures posted by 7 wineries. To explore the factors affecting the number of likes these pictures received, we ran a linear mixed model. Results show that most of the photos still focus on the product and just a few consider the wine in a holistic way, connecting it with elements such as events or arts. Pictures obtain more likes when the photos includ the products and are positively related to the number of hashtags. Number of likes decrease if natural landscape, art or food appear in the picture.

Keywords: Visual Communication, Social Media, Wineries