Volume 2021 (12),
Article ID 37116021,
Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
This paper aims to investigate how economic institutions affect the growth of selected post-soviet countries. The data collected for this research covers the period between 1993 and 2019. Four variables (Corruption control, Political Globalization, Human Development Index, Internet per user) under the head of economic institutions and three more indicators called trade openness, total natural resources rent, and foreign direct investment (FDI) take part in the measurement. Based on the data methodology, it is observed that variables act differently for the countries even though they are the neighboring ones. That is, while some variables leave a positive impact on the economic growth of one country, they negatively affect in the case of the other ones. The empirical results utilizing a dataset on GDP per capita of the post-soviet countries during 1993-2019 suggest that they may have development effects of dependent variables. What is also noticeable from the paper is that analyses are conducted not only on specific countries but also on the regions.
Keywords: Institutions, Economic growth, Post-soviet countries