Jadwiga ZAROD

West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland


Socio-economic development of EU countries is significantly diversified. These differences relate to:  labor market, living conditions, salaries and expenses, education, environmental conditions and protection and foreign trade. On the basis of EUROSTAT data, an attempt was made to divide the EU countries into groups with a similar level of development and to characterize them based on the described indicators. The aim of this work is to study the level of socio-economic development of EU countries on the basis of selected features. The implementation of this task was made possible by the discriminant analysis. The knowledge of the level of this development may help EU and state bodies as well as international organizations in undertaking investment, environmental and social activities. However, these activities should aim at eliminating disproportions between the members of the Union.

Keywords: Discriminant Analysis, Socio-Economic Development, Net Remuneration, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Renewable Energy.