National Academy for Public Administration, Ukraine
Globalization is considered as a new type of social development in the context of formation a new geostrategic reality, the establishment of new placement of values, quality changes of the principles and structure of the world, modernization of social, political, economic and public administration systems. The theoretical and methodological bases of research of globalization problems in various areas were generalized. The analysis of a new tendencies and challenges of globalization by national states and social practices was carried out. Globalization security imperatives were justified in the context of providing a stabilization balance in the development of the global world in order to realize the interests of geostrategic partners. It is consistently espousing the idea that globalization is a universal form of historical dynamics, consequences of this are qualitative and quantitative changes in the functioning of transitional societies. An argument for the formation of a new paradigm of public development have been proven: as a consequence, amid the globalization, the nature of the values of the civil service is fundamentally changing that in the new conditions require a new level of professional identity and national consciousness of employees. The article also proposed the establishment of a The Code of states’ relationships in the context of globalization can become an effective tool in cross-country relations.
This was based on the argument that a state globalization policy, which would take into account the ratio of geostrategic forces in the global arena and clearly define the place and role of Ukraine in it.