Some Vie for Modern Aspects of Regional Management in The Terms of Oriental-Economical Systems Co-Influencing (The Oriental-Economical Systems Cyclic Mutual Influence Theory)

Oleg TKACH, Halyna MYKHAILIV and Liubov HRYNIV

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine


The change of the place and the role of the regions in the worldwide system of economy, their dynamic development and the activation of the activity outside the own territories caused the usage of the oriental approach as the process of the industrial, financial, institutional and social nature elements interaction and its combination. The region/domain is an element of the global economic system which is the hierarchy of the spatially-economic systems of the international, internationally-regional, state and regional levels. That is, the key elements of the very hierarchy is the complex of the regional formations that are defined as the second level after the state one that cover the variety of the objects and the connections between them with the corresponding formation of the internal and the external dimensions. The modern development of the global economic system is characterized by the financial instability that determines the necessity of the regions competitiveness examination within the context of the spatially-cyclic situation/set-up of the economic systems of the different levels that caused the formation of the global financially-economic competitive centers,  the macro regions, the dependent (satellite) countries, the macro regional centers of the domination; the separate regions; the concentrated centers of the regional domination. The main obstacle under the attempts of the providing of the necessary level of the competitiveness by the regions of the depending countries is the negative cyclic influence of the competitive centers, the influence of which spread in the form of the regional crisis waves. Thus, the regions of the open and integrated economic systems become sensitive regarding the fluent transference of the speculative capitals and the change of the financial policy of the competitive centers. The modern methods of the regional oriental-economical systems competitive positions assessment, the methodical approaches to the determination of the factors and the degree of the interplay of these systems upon the competitive status of the separate countries and the regions demand the improvement and also the further forecasting of the future levels of the their integration into the global economic system. Such questions as the choice of the modern means of the regional oriental-economical systems competitiveness supplying and the methods of the creation and the keeping of the competitive advantages under the conditions of the straight influence of the negative outer factors are slipped the attention. The other actual problem to date is the one of the theoretical ground of the necessity of the development of the state regional policy of the oriental-economical development with the aim of the increase of the competitiveness of Ukraine and its regions. So, the systematic investigation of the competitiveness of the regional oriental-economical systems and their interplay under the conditions of the cyclic changes and the global processes is quite important both in the theoretical and practical sense. The received theoretical and the practical results during the process of the investigation determine the important scientific problem of the theoretical-methodological bases development of the regional competitiveness supplying under the global conditions of the oriental-economical systems co-influencing.

Keywords: competitive position of a region, oriental competitiveness, orient-economical system, competitive position of the orient-economical system, global economical system, global economical process.