Enterprise Restructuring Processes as Part of Sustainable Development for Improving the Quality of Life

Ireneusz MICIUŁA and Monika RÓŻYCKA

University of Szczecin, Poland


The source of the crisis threatening the functioning of enterprises is the failure to perceive the need for changes, the inability to react quickly to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, the restructuring processes undoubtedly constitute an important condition for shaping the competitive position. However, it is also important to shape the relationship between technology, resource use and sustainable development, which at the same time takes into account the social aspects of changes and the implementation of socially responsible restructuring. Therefore, the changes require active participation on the part of institutions (regulators) that introduce and define the regulations necessary to comply with the principles of sustainable development. The article presents the principles of enterprise restructuring in accordance with the rules of sustainable development, as well as the impact of these changes on the quality of social life. The aim of the article is to analyze the methods of assessing the quality of life and the impact of basic workplaces on them, along with the original measurement concept – Social Well-Being Measure.

Keywords: Restructuring Process, Business Management, Sustainable Development, Quality Of Life Entrepreneurship, Economy.