Viktor V. IVANOV, Nadezhda A. LVOVA, Natalia V. POKROVSKAIA, Neli R. ABRAMISHVILI and Alexander Yu. ANDRIANOV

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


The article is devoted to the problem of stimulating investment activity under the stress of public finances and new decisions taken to overcome it in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to discuss new solutions for the stimulating investment activity in the field of changing the importance of income sources of the federal and sub-federal budgets in Russia. It is shown that the Russian economy is suffering from a significant lack of investment. At the same time, the corona crisis has led to an imbalance in public finances. The relevance of increasing tax and non-tax revenues of Russian sub-federal budgets potentially makes weak the prospects for expanding the stimulating possibilities of tax regulation of the investment activity of domestic business. Despite this, the problem of stimulating investment is recognized by the state as a priority. Under the stress of public finances, budget infrastructure loans were identified like new sources of investment activity stimulating.

Keywords: Investments, Investment Activity, Investment Activity Stimulation