Oleksandra Klymenko and Piotr Waląg

University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland


Deindustrialization in the employment category, when we are still dealing with industrialization in the production category, is the result, and at the same time the best fact confirming the inadequate, badly progressing restructuring of the industrial sector. Similarly, a small increase in labour productivity and excessive employment in agriculture, as well as in the traditional industrial sector (mining sector/industry) is presented within the evolution of the economy, as well as the processes occurring in it from the point of view of changes in the structure as such, as the effect of badly implemented restructuring of the agricultural sector [Mickiewicz T., Zalewska A. 2002], or the industrial sector. Inadequate restructuring in sectoral terms prevents the achievement of a high level of economic growth. As a consequence of which, the economically inefficient transfer of production factors, and first of all the labour factor in any developing economy, will always lead to a slowdown in economic growth, its decline and eventually crises [Fisher A. G. B. 1945].

The purpose of the article is: to analyze the processes of changes in the structure of Ukraine’s economy, in the category of employment as well as production / manufacturing in the period 2000 – 2019. It is hypothesized that in the economy of Ukraine there is a regression of economic evolution (in changes in the structure of the economy), which may develop into a dual course of deindustrialization processes, resulting in both the imprisonment of significant labor resources in agriculture (hidden unemployment), as well as high employment in low-productive processing industries in the informal sector, and in informal services.

Research conducted in this article has shown that the Ukrainian economy is under severe recession, and the deepening economic crisis leads to the emergence of dualistic processes of deindustrialization.

Regression of economic evolution in Ukraine at / with the emergence of the phenomenon of dichotomy of the occurrence of structural change processes will cause further slowdown of economic growth of Ukraine, and eventually a deep economic crisis.

Keywords: structure of the economy ; evolution of the economy ; deindustrialization ; industrialization ; dualism of deindustrialization processes ; economic crisis.