Internationalization of Higher Education in Poland: A Challenge For Modern Science

Katarzyna SZMYD

Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, Poland


The article attempts to present the process of internationalization of higher education in Poland, which has gained particular dynamics in recent years, it can be observed in the growing statistics of foreigners choosing our country to study, but it is also about strengthening the competences of administrative and research workers and building and developing relations with universities in Poland. home and abroad. Internationalization is associated with obtaining funds under the available competitions and grant programs as well as efficient management of these projects.

The pandemic had a negative impact on the entire economy and thus did not avoid the internationalization of universities. The mobility of students and employees of higher education as well as budgets for internationalization and international projects have been reduced. Consequently, many questions of impact arise Covid – 19 for the internationalization of science and higher education, will the processes that have gained such significant dynamics be stopped? Most likely not, but new action strategies must be developed that will be developed on the strong foundations of many years of knowledge accumulated by universities and experience, with which we are facing now. In the article, the author will try to outline the current problems and challenges that higher education must face in order to remain competitive in attracting students, employees and international partners.

Keywords: Internationalization, Education, Student, University