Importance of Casco Insurance on The Case of Non-Life Insurance Market in Poland


University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland


Damage cover insurance (Casco insurance) plays an important role in the motor insurance market. The Casco insurance policy holder is offered protection of the vehicle against random events causing its destruction or damage and against car theft.

The main purpose of this article is to present the role of Casco insurance in the non-life insurance market in Poland over the past 10 years, between 2010 and 2019.

In this decade, the share of Casco insurance policies in the non-life insurance market in terms of written premium was 20% on average, compared to a 22-24% share in paid claims. The density index increased by 92 PLN, from 135 PLN in 2010 to 227 PLN in 2019. Other developments observed in this decade are: a 47.6% lower number of criminal events connected with car theft, 67.3% higher written premiums, a 36.6% rise in the policies taken, and a 9.0% decrease in the number of claims. Based on an analysis of the collected data, it was determined that the average Casco insurance price was 1 363 PLN in 2019, being by 22.5% higher than in 2010. The average cost of a one loss covered by an Casco insurance policy in 2019 was 7 102 PLN.

Keywords: Casco Insurance, Motor Insurance Market, Non-Life Insurance.