Specificity of Taxation of The Process of Purchasing and Using A Vehicle in China

Lili LIU and Igor A. MAYBUROV

Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia


China is experiencing rapid economic growth. Due to the constant improvement of people’s living standards, the number of car owners is constantly growing. This article examines the specifics of taxation when buying and owning cars in China. A comprehensive comparative analysis of data, a detailed analysis of tax policy in relation to domestic and imported vehicles was used. It also analyzed the value added tax, consumption tax, vehicle and ship tax, and customs import duties associated with the purchase of cars. We made a special emphasis on the taxes that the Chinese who buy cars must pay. At the same time, they analyzed the fees that must be paid for the purchase of used cars, as well as taxes and fees in the process of buying and storing vehicles using alternative energy. The results show that with government support, vigorous national promotion and preferential policies, new alternative energy sources are the future direction of road transport in China. They will help protect the environment, save energy and reduce emissions.

Keywords: Chinese taxation, VAT, transport tax, transport policy, electric vehicle tax.