Comparative Study of Social, Economic and Political Factors of Development of the BRICS Countries

Nekhoroshikh I.N., Katykhin A.I. and Perepelkin I.G.

Southwest State University, Russia


Report: The BRICS Strategic Economic Group consisting of five emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has gained influence on the global economy and decisions on economic and political problems. The group of BRICS countries has incredible human resources, mineral resources, large productive volumes, and combines economies with significant differences in the level of development and models of economic growth. The article provides a comparative study of the social and economic factors of the BRICS countries’ development, analyzes macroeconomic indicators, and identifies the pattern: the higher the heterogeneity of a country in regional terms is, the more complex its development is, and the higher the requirements for an effective regional policy are.


Keywords: BRICS countries, economy, unemployment, inflation, macroeconomic indicators, region, regional policy, regional development.