The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment To Romania’s Foreign Trade Relations

Corneliu RUSSU

Romanian Academy, Romania 


The paper deals with the substantial contribution of foreign direct investment to the intensification of Romania’s foreign trade relations and their qualitative improvement in the period after Romania’s accession to the European Union, i.e., 2007-2019. The motivation for choosing this topic is that one of the recently addressed research issues was the effects of foreign direct investment on the development of the Romanian economy and manufacturing industry, the foreign trade relations being an important component of this development. The objective of the paper is to highlight the quantitative and qualitative changes in the export of the Romanian manufacturing industry, by far the main contributor in this regard, under the FDI impact, and the strong increase in its volume and improvement of its structure, respectively. The conclusions that finalize the analysis of these issues may be useful to the investment policy makers, as part of industrial policy, especially by highlighting the qualitative structure of export by levels of technological intensity of the exported products.

Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Manufacturing Industry; Export; Import