Sergey Alexandrovich FILIN, Alexey Zhanovich YAKUSHEV and Olga Nikolaevna KALININA

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation


Research motivation: in a post-industrial knowledge-based society, competition is considered in a multidimensional coordinate system “consciousness – knowledge – the application of knowledge to knowledge (information) – space – time”. Therefore, new knowledge should be obtained and applied “at the right time in the right place”, internal networks of a post-industrial society should be formed based on the use of repositories of “knowledge”, the sphere of “virtual” economics and knowledge management – based on the use of new information environments and a radical change in the types and principles of information management, and in order to increase competitiveness and achieve the desired strategic goals of the organization in an innovative economy, the practical use of knowledge and knowledge capital in its management strategies becomes increasingly important. Diversity and relative accessibility through information and communication technologies of different sources of technological knowledge facilitates the combination of factors of production and becomes a prerequisite for effective innovation. 

Keywords: Management, Management of The Capital of Knowledge, Innovation, Innovative Project, Capitalization, Information Support