Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Nizhyn, Ukraine


The article deals with the analysis of education with a projection on the sustainable development of society. It is relevant due to the actualization of the concept of education for the sustainable development of society and the need to identify guidelines for creating an appropriate system and program implementation. The linguistic approach to the problem allows determining new trends in modern education.

Qualitative education forms responsible thinking that will provide a stable and balanced development of economic and social spheres, solving environmental problems and a high standard of living for the modern man and the well-being of future generations. It is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of society and the integration of national education and economy into the European spaces. The priority areas of sustainable development of society are the following: forming a culture of reasonable energy and water consumption, reducing waste of raw materials, implementation of principles and values ​​of environmental ethics and responsibility, development of spiritual potential and information culture of personality, implementation of interpersonal and intercultural interaction based on multiculturalism and tolerance. In this context, it is necessary to follow two basic postulates: 1) education is a value that forms the system of values ​​for future generations; 2) education is a platform for intercultural communication.

Keywords: Education, Discourse, Intercultural Communication, European Educational and Economic Space