Mariana Geanina ZAHARIA

Ovidius University Constanța, România


In this article i present a pedagogical experiment that by applying a questionnaire on the managers of the educational units, we aimed to highlight the components of the image of the educational institution that they coordinate; how he achieves the image of the institution; how they consider the image of the educational institution they lead; how they differ from other schools; what characterizes them; which component of the institution’s image still have to work on; who are the partners of the educational unit; what is the importance of the educational partnership in forming a positive image of the educational unit; what difficulties they encountered during the term.

The aim of the paper: to establish the variables of a psycho-pedagogical experiment that consisted in applying a questionnaire regarding the own organizational purpose of the educational units, assumed strategic targets, own organizational culture.

Research objectives: studying the literature; determining the elements for identifying the problems related to the difficulties encountered by the managers of the educational units.

Keywords: Managers, School, Partnership.