Approaches to Improving Calculation of Payment for Negative Environmental Impact in Russia

Iraida KIRILCHUK and Valentina RYKUNOVA

Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia


Economic methods of regulating environmental management framework should ensure the compliance with various interests: enterprises that use natural resources – in making a profit, employees of these enterprises – in safe working conditions, the state – in obtaining environmental taxes and fees, the population living in the zone of operation of enterprises – as environment. Having examined the methodological aspects of calculation and fee collection for negative environmental impact (NEI) in the Russian Federation, having analyzed the administration of fees for NEI in Russia and analysis of payment effectiveness for NEI as an economic mechanism for regulating the activities of natural resource users, the authors suggest some ways to improve the economic mechanism to stimulate rational nature management, in particular, enhancing the incentive function of payment for NEI. The authors have developed an improved method for calculating the payment for NEI, characterized by taking into account the effect of unidirectional action (summation effect) of pollutants on the human body. The proposed method is expediently used to calculate the pollution charge of business entities that release pollutants into the environment and have a joint negative effect on critical organs and systems of the human body.

Keywords: Rational Nature Management, Economic Management Mechanism, Stimulation, Payment For Negative Environmental Impact (NEI), Unidirectional Action.