The Importance of The Impact of Personnel Training Management on The Development of Talents in The Enterprise

1Elena GASPAROVICH, 1Ekaterina USKOVA and 2Elena DONGAUZER

1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg, Russia

2Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Training of the enterprise personnel is one of the priority directions of activity of the personnel specialist. Questions about how and what kind of personnel to train are of concern to any HR specialist. An approach called talent management is becoming popular, which allows you to focus on training only the most effective, successful and ultimately profitable employees. Management of personnel training in this case is reduced to identifying such employees, maintaining their motivation to learn and attracting additional incentives to retain in the organization. In addition, it is necessary to focus attention on those employees, whose talents still need to be revealed and can be used for the benefit of both the personnel itself and the enterprise as a whole. Talented employees bring the main profit, therefore their identification and training becomes one of the main tasks in working with personnel, despite the changed economic conditions. Enterprises are forced to reduce their staff, and in this case it is especially important to know who to rely on, whose talents can be useful in modern conditions.

Keywords: personnel training, personnel training management, talent management, talent development at the enterprise.