Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland


Tendering procedures are commonly used tools for public procurement. Even though this practice is widespread, theory of tendering is not rapidly developing. Growing complexity of offers in fields of architecture or technology, caused by development of knowledge, new materials and technologies is a reason why tendering theory should be reexamined. This article presents an alternative for decision-making process that was used so far. Soft set and fuzzy set have prospect to improve decision-making in case of complex offers by supporting human decision-making. The goal of this article is to present significance of tendering theory, current challenges, attempts to solve them and mathematic tool that can be used to change the approach to these problems. Most of this article uses example of tendering in context of architecture to showcase these challenges. The problem of qualitive variables is usually solved by use of juries or is omitted in many algorithmic and automatic tendering procedures. Presented decision-making process allows for more freedom in projects’ evaluation while objectivity is maintain and thus experts knowledge can be fully utilize.

Keywords: Tenders, Fuzzy Soft Sets, Architecture, Public procurements.