1 Doctoral School of Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
2 The Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Poland
This article is an introduction to the work for a doctoral dissertation carried out in the mode of an implementation doctorate devoted to artificial intelligence. Implementation doctorate is characterized by the realization and implementation of a scientific solution in a commercial environment, which will characterize the methodology of work adopted by the author. In the case of the discussed research work, we are dealing with the implementation of the Policy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Poland from 2020 (further: AI Policy)[1] through the modelling and implementation of program activities supporting the implementation of new technologies in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises along with their cyclical monitoring and validation. The methodology of the work assumes that this implementation will take place through the collection and creation of a set of good practices that will support and facilitate small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing solutions based on artificial intelligence, as well as their popularization in this group, which will fill the implementation gap (lack of addressing the needs of this target group) and the research gap (description of program mechanisms addressing the problems of policy implementation in the SME sector). To this end, these solutions will be implemented by a PhD student at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Poland. This article is the first stage of this work, i.e. to determine how the published AI Policy addresses the objectives of small and medium-sized enterprises and how further work in this area should be planned. The next stages will be to deal with the combination of commercial solutions with the activities of public administration, which may at some point be a limitation for the full implementation of the research results.