Florina POPA
Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
The New Public Management meant a change of economic paradigm, the economic neoclassicism gradually replacing the Keynesianism.
In the European countries, there have been noticed, in the recent decades, major changes in the public sector, materialized in the abolition of monopolies, fragmentation of some areas of activity, changes in the way of organization and delivery of services, in a number of countries.
The current context of society, dominated by budgetary constraints, the need for a better use of public money under conditions of diminishing resources has determined concerns, at Member States level, for the reform and modernization of public management.
At the same time, the New Public Management means a response addressed to the increased demands of citizens, the adoption of its reforms echoing in reconsidering the role of civil servants and their missions, the achievement of a new culture of professionalism.
This paper aims to present the practices approached by different European countries, in the implementation of the New Public Management reform, these distinguishing by different ways of taking over the news. The objectives pursued, at European level, are the promotion and coordination of services of general interest, the establishment of evaluation techniques, in order to monitor the activity of operators and regulatory authorities.
The methodology used was the documentation from the foreign and autochthon specialized literature, processing through the own interpretation, of the selected ideas.
The conclusion is that it cannot be considered that there is a single European model of public management, due to the culture and specificity of each state, as well as of the priorities and methods used, different, from one state to another. The existent differences among states lead to a diversity of ways of approaching the New Public Management.