Volume 2021 (24),
Article ID 37132121,
Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
The political and socio-economic changes introduced in Poland in 1989 have been accompanied by the radical increase of the role and responsibility of the Local Government Units (LGU). These institutions have taken the real responsibility for organization and functioning of local community. It is interesting to observe that although the majority of decision makers serving in the LGU are elected individuals of various professions and the level of education ( not the professional administrators), the activity of these bodies demonstrate the entrepreneurial nature. The aim of the current paper is to present that approach of LGU to the problems related with the organization and financing of the activity in the area related to the culture and national heritage.
Keywords: Culture and National Heritage, Entrepreneurship, Local Government Units, Self-Government Entrepreneurship