Bianca E. SOARE1, Marilena E. POTÎRNICHE2, Adela Simona POPESCU (VLĂŞCEANU)3 and Lavinia Florenţa PUIU4
1,2 Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics, Romania
3,4 Institute of Economic Forecast, Romania
Volume 2021 (24),
Article ID 37134321,
Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
A concern of general interest is the reduction of the negative impact of waste and its better management. Romania joined the European Union in 2007, so it is subject to the imposed directives on waste management. The main objective of this study was to assess the amount of municipal waste generated in Romania in relation to government spending on environmental protection as a percentage of GDP in the context of Romania’s accession to the European Union. The topic is of great interest and priority, being part of the current concerns regarding environmental protection. Thus, indicators were analyzed such as municipal waste generated (thousands of tons), municipal waste generated (kg / capita) and expenditures for environmental protection and their share in GDP, in the post-accession period, 2007-2018. The main variability indices for the analyzed parameters were mean, standard deviation, variability coefficient, the minimum and maximum of the series and amplitude of variation. The analysis shows a great variability of these indicators, thus the waste generated indicates a decreasing dynamic, and government spending on environmental protection (% of GDP) indicates an increasing trend in recent years in the analyzed period.
Keywords: Municipal Waste Generation, Government Spending, Variability