Does The Modern City Have to Be Creative? Some Remarks On “Intelligent” Management of Urban Development


Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland


Among contemporary theories of urban development there are many directives, concepts and ideas indicating which developmental factors should be taken into account and what should guide the creation of modern urban management strategies and the rewriting of narratives of post-industrial cities.

Two of the development concepts currently under preparation have become the subject of analysis in this article and they oscillate around the problem of using modern technologies the Smart City and emphasizing the value of the development of creative industries and the economy based on the creativity of its citizens as a counterbalance to the disappearing traditional industries. This concept is referred to as the Creative City.

Both concepts also assume that a city should develop in a sustainable way with particular attention to its social capital.

Therefore, the aim of this article is to show, on the example of cities which in their strategies have chosen to on the development of creative industries, how the assumptions of this concept actually influence on stimulating the urban economy and its sustainable development.

For the purposes of the article, qualitative research methods were used, including the technique of observation and content analysis, which consists in reaching sources documenting the course of processes taking place in selected urban areas.

Keywords: Creative City, Smart City, sustainable development, social capital of the city.