Anna WIKTOROWSKA-JASIK1, Joanna SĘK2 and Magdalena KAUP3

1,2 Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Szczecin, Polska

3 Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Szczecin, Polska


The article addresses the development of electromobility in Poland. Particular attention is paid to actions taken in cities to implement environmental  transport solutions. The basic directions of transport development are considered in the light of the adopted Electromobility Development Plan. Solutions implemented in cities are described.

The author attempts to determine the level of electromobility in Poland, and analyzes solutions implemented in cities for the development of low-emission transport. The research makes use of the case study method. This method was chosen because actions concerning electromobility in Polish cities are generally similar, but the pace of their implementation is significantly different. Therefore, the research covers those cities, where the authorities first introduced a system of incentives for the use of electric vehicles and employed zero-emission vehicles in public city transport. Another factor considered was the density of the charging stations network. Thus it was possible to determine the degree of progress of actions in those cities, and consequently, to assess the execution of the Polish strategy for the development of electromobility.

Keywords: Electromobility, Low-Emission Transport, Electric Vehicles, Charging Infrastructure For Electric Vehicles