Problems of Formation of The State Cultural Policy in A Transitional Society: The Example of Ukraine


1 National Institute for Strategic Stugies, Кyiv, Ukraine

2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


The specifics of the state cultural policy for the conditions of the Ukrainian society are analyzed. In order to determine the optimal model of cultural policy, which should correspond to the realities of the Ukrainian society, the content of the concept of ‘cultural policy’ in the international documents and scientific discourse is analyzed.

It turns out that the models of cultural policy prevalent in the developed countries cannot be fully applied to the conditions of a transitional society. In particular, for the Ukrainian society, the model of cultural policy should include the proactive role of the state institutions.

We proceed from the fact that in a transitional society the state institutions must form general strategic directions for the development of the cultural sphere. At the same time, the national model of cultural policy in a transitional society cannot be an established structure, but must be dynamic and reflect the transformation of the dominant values in the society.

In the article we reveal the relevance of the following areas of the state cultural policy for the Ukrainian society: the need for its legislative support, the formation of the cultural policy in a decentralized manner, state guarantee of access to a minimum set of cultural services, the need to develop various forms of public-private partnership in support of culture, the development of cultural and creative industries.

Keywords: Cultural Policy, State Cultural Policy, Decentralization of The Cultural Policy, Public-Private Partnership In Cultural Policy.