University of Economics in Katowice College of Management , Entrepreneurship Department 40-227 Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Poland


Municipal waste can be perceived as a tool for building a pro-social image strategy by creating the conditions of social well-being in a strategic time perspective, especially thanks to the applied processes of the biological-mechanical processing and the closed-circuit economy. However, in the new approach, municipal waste is connected with the notion of “re-use” or re-consumption. It can be stated that waste value is built in a system of relations between the market entities, the secondary market, business entities, and the involvement of government and non-profit organizations, that are co-creators of implementation of the 5R concept (Reuse, Reduce, Refuse, Repurpose, Reject), which is the starting point for the Re-value Waste Concept of The Municipal Waste Sector. Thanks to their garbological knowledge, Reuse Points that are the entities in the Re-value Concept of the Municipal Waste participate in the process of reducing the so-called ballast in stock, but above all, in the creation of re-value that is useful from a broadly understood social point of view. Therefore, the aim of the article is to demonstrate the value of municipal waste, built through involvement of many entities, especially by the reuse points in the Re-value Concept of the Municipal Waste sector, based on the 3R concept, and its developed forms. The Re-value Concept of the Municipal Waste is reflected in the ReSOLVE model at the strategic and operational level. The article mainly uses conceptual and qualitative research methods of empirical research (case study). The results of the research show that through involvement of the new participants of the re-value processes and the subject of research – municipal waste, the effective waste management has a strategic value, and it is certainly a tool of implementation of the Re-value Waste Concept of the municipal waste sector. The research on the issues of strategic aspects of municipal waste in re-value perspective opens up a wide field of possibilities, that have not been sufficiently used, especially in the relations of primary and secondary market entities, firms of the sector under review and “re-life/re-use” points/trade.

Keywords: Waste Management Sector, Re-Value, Re-Use, Garbology.