Innovative Smart City Concept on The Way to Sustainable Development – Citizens’ Attitudes Assessment in The Light of Survey Research – Case Study Poland

Wojciech LEWICKI, Agnieszka BRELIK and Natalia OLESZCZYK

Faculty of Economics, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Poland


In today’s market reality, no one doubts that the Smart City concept is a modern development idea and is a direct response to the intensifying urbanization processes. Modern Smart Cities, thanks to information and communication technologies, use the available resources more effectively in order to improve the quality of life in the city and ensure its sustainable development. As emphasized in the literature on the subject, one of the determinants of the implementation of this concept is the human factor, and more precisely the attitude of citizens of smart cities. Therefore, the aim of the research is to present the current challenges in the implementation of this innovative concept in the field of sustainable development policy in urban areas.  Therefore, the article presents selected results of surveys in the field of implementation of several key areas identified in the literature on the subject with the Smart City concept. This research may contribute to a faster development of universal solutions for the implementation of this concept by identifying areas that require transformation in the opinion of citizens. Moreover, the presented and interpreted results may constitute the basis and incentive for further research on the implementation of the innovative smart city concept on the way to sustainable urban development not only in Poland but also throughout Europe.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Smart City, Innovation, Market Research.