How Cities Aspiring to Implement the Smart City Concept Conduct Research on The Quality of Life – Development of The Research Concept and The First Summary of Results

Mariusz J. LIGARSKI and Maciej WOLNY

Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology, Poland


The aim of the article is to present the concept of research on the quality of life for the purposes of sustainable development in cities and to present some of the research results and discuss them. The study presents in detail the concept of research on the quality of life on the example of Polish cities aspiring to the smart city concept. The research assumptions and the method of developing a research tool, which was a questionnaire survey, were presented. The course of the research conducted on a sample of 84 cities belonging to 5 size categories was characterised. A fragment of the obtained research results was presented, in which reference was made to research questions Q1 and Q2. The paper presents the results concerning the awareness and knowledge of people responsible for conducting research on the quality of life at the city level. It was determined whether city halls examine the quality of life of residents and how this process is organised. The obtained results were discussed with focus on the limitations of the research method used. The direction of further research in this area was indicated.

Keywords: Quality of Life, Smart City, Sustainable Development, Research Concept.