Cooperation of Non-governmental Organizations with Public Institutions In Poland – Towards Co-creation of Public Services

Mariusz DYBAL

University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland


The research aim of the paper was to check whether cooperation of non-governmental organizations with public institutions in Poland fulfills the concept of co-creation of public services. To achieve the goal  following research tasks has been implemented: i) to identify the structure of NGOs and area of statutory activity, ii) to identify public institutions cooperating with NGOs and areas of cooperation, iii) to identify amount and structure of transfers form public institutions towards NGOs, iv) to identify difficulties in cooperation between public institutions and NGOs. It has been reviled that non-governmental organizations do not use their full potential to co-create public services. There are problems with creating innovative, tailored to the needs of recipients, public services. Non-governmental organizations usually provide simple services that do not require extensive material and expert resources, aimed at immediate, quick and easy-to-achieve goals. When financing services, local governments expect continuous success and have a low tolerance for possible failures. As a result, proven services are provided – for social groups that give the greatest guarantee of success. What is ignored is difficult groups in which a number of social problems converge like a lens. The research years cover mainly 2017-2020. In the paper following research methods has been used: analysis of scientific literature and normative documents, comparative analysis, statistical analysis.

Keywords: co-creation – cooperation – public services – NGO.