Dorina SANDU

Bucharest University of Economic Studies Romania


The current strategy on strengthening public administration aims to deepen the values ​​such as transparency, professionalism, anticipation, and adaptability to change, in order to talk about quality public services designed to increase the level of public confidence in public authority in general and in public office. in particular. An active participation of all in the decision-making process is required. Active participation and the level of trust are measured by reference to the taxpayer, who has worked or is active in the labor market and, by paying tax obligations, provides the state with the necessary resources to cover its needs.

In this study we considered it appropriate using the idea of ​​professionalization of public office to present the situation of young people who want to enter the administrative system and hold public office and the blockages they face, although they have real qualities to help strengthen and modernization of central and local public administration.

Having as starting point the Strategy on civil service development 2016-2020 issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration together with the National Agency of Civil Servants as well as the Report of the National Agency of Civil Servants on civil service management and civil servants for 2018 (published in 2019), which indicates a level of occupation of public positions by people under 30 years of only 3.72%, I set out to identify the factors that determine such a low level of interest of young people in the positions offered by the public administration and indicating some measures that can be taken by the managers of national and local public institutions in order to attract them to a career as a civil servant.

Young people are not deprived of qualities, skills, and socio-professional skills, only a longer life experience. By identifying and making optimal use of these advantages, by lowering the average age of employees in the public system, we can witness its relaunch and modernization, to achieve performance standards that can compete with those specific to the private system.

Keywords: Public Administration, Civil Servants, Youth, Professionalization.