1 Priazovsky State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine
2,4 Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 Kiev National University of Technology and Design, Kiev, Ukraine
The study presents the social aspects of public administration of free time of the population and its use by society. The article shows that in the scientific discipline “public administration of employment” time is a full-fledged object of study. Time is a form of consciousness in public administration of employment, has a structure and is an object of modeling. To identify patterns of variability of objects of non-physical nature (in particular, employment) and dynamics of changes in their state, the article uses the measurement of time. For the purposes of the study, temporary structures have been created that determine the possibility of measuring the variability of the components of human capital: free time as the main resource of state management of non-standard forms of employment in various groups of the population of the country. urbanized territory. in social development, but did not try to quantify this resource of public administration and its use for non-standard forms of employment. The experience of the public authorities in creating non-standard forms of employment “volunteer”and “voluntourism” in Mariupol, Ukraine, which can be considered as an innovative technology of informal education. The approach of public authorities using non-standard forms of employment “volunteering” and “voluntourism” plays a specific useful role in the professional and life situations of young people and allows them to perform social functions of realizing professional, social and personal goals and competencies