Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business. Universitas Indonesia
Volume 2021 (25),
Article ID 37168721,
Tourism Development and Sustainability - Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities: 37Tourism 2021
Tourism as a human needs becomes important in the development of life and global interactions. Rural tourism as a one of type in tourism has a complex problem in development. In rural areas, small businesses that operated by villagers face a number of obstacles. For example, lack educational for small business owners to understand business management, marketing, and the tourism industry. This research used questionnaire and interview technique in collecting data. we interviewed 10 respondents and this research lasted for two months. The results shows that almost the businesses owner / manager have a sufficient knowledge about business. But it’s unfortunate, there are lack of the role of government in business development in Tembi Village Tourism. So, collaboration and synergy from various stakeholders are needed. One of them is by using the pentahelix ABCGM concept.
Keywords: Rural Tourism; Entrepreneurship; Tembi Village; Small Medium Entreprise