Information System, Factors of Success And Impact on Performance Case of The Moroccan Public University


Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Mohammedia Hassan II University of Casablanca- Morocco


 Faced with unforeseen events and the complexity of systems and logics of action, the HR professional must know how to take initiatives and decisions” According to G. Le Boterf (2000), it is about “knowing what to do and when”. The increased complexity of the environment and the intensive pace of change experienced by organizations are reflected in the adoption of a new model of people management that makes it possible to meet the demands of competitiveness focused on the optimal use of resources. strategies and skills, in this sense Venkatraman et al. (1993), emphasize the exponential changes that have affected information systems and communication technologies, as well as their roles as a support for the overall strategy of the organization.

The objective of our research is to study the impact of information systems on the performance of the organization in the field of higher education. In order to provide answers to hypotheses and research questions, we adopt a mixed qualitative exploratory and quantitative confirmatory approach carried out with actors from Moroccan public universities.

Keywords: Human Resources function, performance, HR Information System, performance indicator, Governance.