How Green Are the Competency Requirements for Project Managers? An Exploratory Analysis of Online Job Adds for The Region of Aveiro

Marlene AMORIM1, Bruno LINS1, Gabriel SILVA2,3, Gisela MELLO1 ,Mario RODRIGUES2 and Marta FERREIRA DIAS1

1 GOVCOPP – Governance Competitiveness and Public Policies, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

2 Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), Aveiro, Portugal

3 DETI – Department of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics, Aveiro, Portugal


The goal of the 2050 horizon is to achieve net-zero emissions or climate neutrality. Therefore, a transformation of the global economy to a more circular and green economy is essential, as it enables the continuation of economic growth that has lifted many people out of poverty, improves linear production processes and reduces the scarcity of natural resources. The European Commission estimates that by applying the principles of circular economy in the bloc’s economy, there could be a potential increase of 0.5% by 2030 in the Green Deal, which would generate around 700,000 new occupations. For business managers, the transition to a green economy should be seen as an opportunity but also as a challenge, since the path to a green and sustainable economy requires a huge shift in jobs and skills for employment. This means a growth in opportunities for those with “green skills”, and an upskilling of many workers who already have these skills. This paper aimed to evaluate the degree to which green skills have reached the job market requirements for project managers. An empirical analysis of job offers in the Region of Aveiro (Portugal) was carried out with an exploratory exercise with the objective of inferring which green skills were found in the advertisement of job opportunities that have project management as one of its required competencies. The data analysis revealed a set of green skills present in the job advertisements, showing relation between ESCO Green Skill classification and the skills required in the job market. This work is based on the green skills and knowledge concepts elaborated by The European Classification of Occupations, Skills and Competences (ESCO) and uses for data extraction an algorithm developed under the scope of the Labour Observatory, developed in the Aveiro STEAM City project, funded, since 2018, as an Urban Innovative Action, for the region of Aveiro.

Keywords: Green Transition, Green Skills, Sustainability, Project Management