1Piotr MAŚLOCH, 2Henryk WOJTASZEK, 3Ireneusz MICIUŁA, 4Mateusz ZIĘTARSKI and 5Miłosz GAC

1,2 War Studies University, Management Institute, Management and Command Department

3 University of Szczecin, Institute of Economics and Finance, Szczecin, Poland

4 Security and Management Institute Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, Poland

5 Faculty of Finance and Management, WSB University in Gdańsk, Poland


Globalization is one of the important factors that affects security. Before the Covid process, increasing globalization was noticeable, now it has slightly decreased. This article deals with globalization as a redistribution of its costs and benefits. The following factors were analyzed: political, social and economic influencing the functioning of globalization. Opening up to the world is a faster opportunity for many countrieseconomic development. No wonder then that globalization has become the subject of many scientific studies that focus on these opportunities, but also threats that accompany it. The analysis undertaken in the countries of the European Union shows that the situation related to covid strongly influenced the development of the economy, and hence the globalization – slowing down its process. 

Keywords: Management, Globalization, Factors, Threats, Security