Planning of International Transport in The Context of The Condition of Transport Infrastructure in Selected EU Countries.


Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland


A well-developed and well-maintained transport infrastructure is a factor that strongly supports the economic development of a given region. It enables transport companies to carry out transport orders in an uninterrupted, safe and timely manner. The impact of transport infrastructure on the activities of shipping companies is particularly significant for the planning and implementation of international transport, which is usually characterized by routes lasting many hours, requiring many stops. Knowledge about the condition of the infrastructure in a given region is crucial for road freight drivers. The aim of the article was to illustrate how important the transport infrastructure is and to present this issue from the point of view of an economic entity that carries out regular road transport in the European Union. On the basis of the conducted research, a comparison was made of the condition of infrastructure in Poland and selected EU countries, indicating differences and similarities, as well as indicating further directions of research in this field.

Keywords: International Transport, Management, Planning, Transport Infrastructure