The Economic Dimension of Farms in the European Union: A Statistical Approach

Agatha POPESCU and Valentin SERBAN

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania,


The paper analyzed the concentration of the economic dimension of the EU farms using Eurostat data and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) which is a novelty in the literature. Based on HHI for standard output (SO) and for number of farms (NF), the EU member states were classified into: countries with a low concentration (LC), countries with a moderate concentration (MC) and countries with a high concentration (HC). This aspect is of high importance for reflecting  farm structure based on their economic power. The decreasing trend in NF continues to led to a higher physical and economic farm size. In 2020, the EU had 9.07 million farms with 17.4 ha average farm size, and produced Euro 351 Billion SO, i.e.  Euro 39,703.6/farm. About 59.6% farms are in Romania, Poland and Italy and the least numerous in Luxemburg. France, Germany, Spain, Poland and Netherlands are the main contributors to the EU SO (74.3%), while Malta is on the last position (0.01%). SO/farm varied between Euro 447,780 in Belgium and Euro 4,050 in Romania, and 15 countries (55.5%) exceed the EU mean. Concerning NF concentration by SO class, at the EU level, it was found a HHI =0.1885 (MC), but HHI ranged between 0.5370 in Romania (HC) and 0.1041 in Denmark (LC).  A HHI < 0.15  was noticed in 13 countries (48%), a HHI between 0.15 and 0.25 in 10 countries (37%) and a HHI > 0.25 in 4 (15%). Regarding SO concentration by class, a HHI < 0.15  is in 6 countries (22.2%), a HHI between 0.15 and 0.25 is in 9 countries (33.3%) and a HHI > 0.25 in 12 countries (44.5%). A number of 13 countries exceeded the EU HHI= 0.2319 for SO by class. Taking into account HHI both for NF and for SO by class, it resulted that 9 countries (33%) with a HCSO have a LCNF, other 9 countries (33%) having a MCSO are associated to an equal proportion either of a HC or MC or LC of NF. Six countries have a LCSO, of which 4  have a MCNF. As a conclusion, the actual EU farm structure reflects a low and moderate concentration in NF and a moderate to high concentration in SO, in other words a trend to a higher economic power.

Keywords: standard output, agricultural holdings, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, concentration, EU