Digital Transformation Policy and Strategy of the Republic of Moldova

Ludmila MOGILDEA, Ina MOGILDEA, Constanta Laura ZUGRAVU and Gheorghe Adrian ZUGRAVU

“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania


The Republic of Moldova is a country that has all the necessary tools for a rapid and impactful digital transformation: advanced infrastructure, a developed ICT private sector, the commitment of the authorities, oriented towards digital transformation, as well as a society prepared to accept and use digitalization. Market demand and available content are key elements for network development. With 98% of the population covered by a 4G signal and a similar fiber optic network penetration, users have the freedom to choose their preferred means of connection. Internet prices are relatively affordable and its use is widespread, with 80% of the population having access to Internet services.

Keywords: Digital Strategy,Agriculture Digitalization