Silvius STANCIU, Simona Beatrice MANOLACHE and Mihaela PILA
Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Romania
The paper presents an analysis of urban green spaces in Romania. The documentation involved the use of open-access articles available on Google Scholar, RG, and Clarivate. To gather the necessary research data, information from the National Institute of Statistics was utilized. The research results indicate that the evolution of urban green spaces in Romania over recent decades reflects both significant progress and ongoing challenges. In cities such as Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Timișoara, investments have been made in expanding and revitalizing existing parks, creating green corridors, and promoting community gardens and green roofs, leading to a notable increase in green areas. However, in many localities, these advances are constrained by high population density, rapid urban infrastructure development, and a lack of coherent and well-funded environmental policies. Overall, although there is growing awareness of the importance of green spaces for public health and community well-being, many cities still face difficulties in maintaining and expanding these areas.
Bucharest, for example, has only 23 square meters of green space per capita, below the European average, while cities like Vienna and Beijing, with similar or larger populations, provide 110 and 50 square meters per capita, respectively, highlighting the potential for improvement through coordinated action and commitment
To ensure positive growth of urban green spaces, an integrated approach is essential, combining sustainable urban planning, active community involvement, and consistent political support at both local and national levels.