The Evolution of Sugar Beet Production In Romania: A Comprehensive Analysis (1990-2023)

Mihaela PILA, Camelia EPURE and Silvius STANCIU

Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Romania


Sugar production, trade, and consumption represent a significant part of both national and global economies. This paper offers an analysis of sugar beet production in Romania between 1990 and 2023, focusing on the key factors influencing the sector. The research is based on open-access articles available on major international scientific databases. Data was gathered from European and national statistics, processed, graphically represented, and interpreted. The results show a strong decline in Romania’s sugar beet production, affecting both the processing industry and the reliance on domestic sugar sources. The national market has become heavily dependent on imports of refined sugar and raw cane sugar for refining. Domestic production capacities have been reduced to a minimum. The internal sugar price is dictated by importers, and state intervention can only temper its rise.

Without internal measures to encourage sugar beet production and the factories that process this raw material, the sector’s contribution to the national economy will become insignificant, and Romania will not be able to ensure national food security in this area.

Keywords: Sugar market, sugar beet production, sugar plants, consumption, Romania