Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Volume 2024 (17),
Article ID 4433424,
Digital Transformation - AI, Technology, and Decision Support Systems: 44ISM 2024
Digital twin and broadly understood digitalization are becoming increasingly popular. Computer simulations have been an indispensable element for many years in both industry and science. In recent years, digital twins have been gaining popularity. In recent years, there has also been a growing interest in the area of intralogistics, also known as internal logistics, in-house logistics. It is therefore interesting whether and to what extent digital twin is related to intralogistics, how popular this area is in scientific works. This article shows the growing interest in the topic of digital twins in the context of intralogistics. At this article author described results of literature searching in few databases. Author present number of articles in searched bases in context of intralogistics and digital twin, which allowed for demonstrating a growing trend of interest in the described topic.
Keywords: intralogistics, internal logistics, digital twin, simulation